How to make beef pie

Take a bite of the freshly cooked beef pie, and you will experience the perfect combination of juicy beef filling and crispy yet tender pastry. When tasting the beef pie, it is best to pair it with a cup of hot tea or coffee. The crunchy pastry and succulent beef filling blend together in your…

Soapberry Rice

Calories: 364kcal/100g Benefits: Nourishing the heart and promoting blood circulation, clearing the liver and improving eyesight, tonifying the spleen and nourishing the kidneys. Introduction: Soapberry Rice is the fruit of the Coix plant. It is a high-energy, high-carbohydrate, low-protein, and low-fat food that contains plant-based dietary fiber. Soapberry Rice has a total energy content of…

Peach Gum

Calories: 5kcal/100g Benefits: Beauty and skincare, delayed digestion and absorption of food Introduction: Peach gum is a resin secreted from peach trees. Its composition is similar to other plant gums, and it is a low-calorie food^1. The main components of peach gum are galactose and glucose, with small amounts of protein, fat, and fiber. Approximately…

Tips for making crispy banana

Crispy banana is like a summer popsicle with its crunchy outer layer and delightful aroma. When you take a gentle bite, the sweet banana flesh melts in your mouth, releasing a refreshing fruity flavor that encapsulates the essence of the entire summer. Ingredients for crispy banana: Banana 4根 Egg 1个 Starch 80g Breadcrumbs 100g  …