Pork hind leg

Calories: 260kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Tonifies the kidney, nourishes blood, nourishes Yin, moisturizes dryness Not Suitable for: Individuals with high blood lipid levels, obesity, kidney diseases, or cardiovascular diseases Introduction: Pork hind leg meat refers to the meat from the hind leg of a pig. It has a firm texture and contains both lean and fatty…

Categorized as Meat, Pig

Pork brain

Calories: 138kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Promotes wound healing, nourishes and strengthens the brain Not Suitable for: Individuals with cardiovascular diseases, men in preconception period Introduction: Pork brain contains more calcium, phosphorus, and iron compared to pork meat, but it is extremely high in cholesterol. A 100g serving of pork brain contains as much as 3100mg of…

Categorized as Meat, Pig

Pig front meat clip

Calories: 300kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Improves anemia, promotes development/growth, moisturizes dryness Not Suitable for: Individuals with obesity, high blood lipid levels, hypertension Introduction: Pork front meat clip refers to the thigh meat on top of the front leg of a pig. It is located behind the neck and in front of the third rib. Due to…

Categorized as Meat, Pig

Pork Spleen

Calories: 94kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Benefits the spleen and stomach, resolves food stagnation, promotes beauty and skincare Not Suitable for: Individuals with excessive dampness and phlegm Introduction: Pork spleen is a narrow and long organ with a deep red color. Its cross-section appears triangular, and the surface is flat. The pork spleen is located on the…

Categorized as Meat, Pig

High-quality pork belly

Calories: 349kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Improves anemia, promotes development/growth Not Suitable for: Individuals with obesity, high blood lipid levels, coronary heart disease, hypertension Introduction: High-quality pork belly is a type of pork belly that is located near the hind leg of the pig and does not contain ribs. It is characterized by three layers of lean…

Categorized as Meat, Pig

Pork head meat

Calories: 395kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Improves anemia, increases stamina, relieves constipation Not Suitable for: Individuals with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, and phlegm-heat retention Introduction: Pork head meat refers to the meat from the head of a pig. It contains a high amount of fatty acids, collagen protein, vitamins B1, B2, niacin, and other components. Vitamin B can…

Categorized as Meat, Pig

Pork neck meat

Calories: 171kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Tonifies the kidney, nourishes blood, nourishes Yin, moisturizes dryness Not Suitable for: Individuals with phlegm-heat retention, obesity, high blood lipid levels, and hypertension Introduction: Pork neck meat refers to the meat from the neck area of a pig, located at the front part connecting to the head. The main nutritional component…

Categorized as Meat, Pig

Simple Recipe for Delicious Pork Lard and Lard Residue

Lard Residue and Pork Lard , they are the golden duo in culinary delights. Lard Residue refers to the residue left behind during food frying, often presenting a golden and crispy appearance. Pork Lard , on the other hand, is the fat extracted from pork, known for its rich flavor and texture. In addition to…

Pork fillet

Calories: 155kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Qi and blood nourishment, heat-clearing and detoxification, yin nourishment and kidney tonification Not suitable for: Individuals with dampness-heat phlegm stagnation, obesity, high blood lipids Introduction: Pork tenderloin refers to the tender meat found on the inner side of the pig’s spinal bone. Tenderloin is typically divided into large and small sections.…

Categorized as Meat, Pig

Streaky pork

Calories: 450kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Improves anemia, promotes development Not suitable for: Individuals with obesity, high blood lipids, coronary heart disease, and hypertension Introduction: Streaky pork also known as pork belly, is a popular cut of meat obtained from the rib area of a pig. It consists of alternating layers of lean meat and fat. The…

Categorized as Meat, Pig