Chicken liver

Chicken liver 鸡肝 ( jī gān ) Calories: 121kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Protect liver and eyesight, nourish blood and enrich qi, delay aging Not Suitable for: Patients with hypercholesterolemia, liver disease, hypertension, coronary heart disease Introduction: Chicken liver is the liver of a chicken, consisting of two lobes of varying sizes. It has a bitter bile…

Chicken heart

Chicken heart 鸡心 ( jī xīn ) Calories: 172kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Nourish the heart, calm the nerves, enrich the blood and boost vital energy Not Suitable for: Obesity, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease Introduction: Chicken heart is the heart portion of a chicken. It contains abundant protein, which is the main raw material for tissue and…

Chicken feet

Chicken feet 鸡爪 (jī zhuǎ) Also known as: chicken paw, phoenix claws, phoenix feet. Calories: 250kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Beauty and skin nourishment, strengthening bones. Not Suitable for: Arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, individuals with high blood lipid levels. Introduction: Chicken feet, also known as chicken claws, typically consist of the foot and claws of a chicken.…

Chicken neck

Chicken neck 鸡脖( jī bó ) Calories: 231kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Improve immunity, strengthen the brain and eyesight, and benefit cardiovascular health Not Suitable for: Damp-heat constitution, phlegm-damp constitution, and blood stasis constitution Introduction: Chicken necks are a section of the chicken’s neck, which contains little meat and mostly bones. However, the meat in this part…

Chicken Kidney

Chicken kidney 鸡肾 ( jī shèn ) Also known as:chicken waist Calories: 100kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Promote digestion, strengthen the spleen, alleviate restlessness, and improve kidney deficiency. Not Suitable for: Damp-heat constitution, gout, high blood lipids and high blood pressure Introduction: Chicken kidney is an organ of the chicken, shaped like an egg, slightly smaller than…

Chicken wing tip

Chicken wing tip 翅尖 ( chì jiān ) Calories: 149.48kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Strengthen the body and promote growth and development Not Suitable for: Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, cholecystitis Introduction: Chicken wing tip is the outer end of the chicken wing. It contains rich nutrients such as protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals, which can supplement the necessary nutrients…


Crumstick 琵琶腿(pí pá tuǐ ) Also known as: Chicken Leg Calories: 146kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Nourishing and strengthening the body Not Suitable for: Hyperlipidemia  obesity  diabetes Introduction:Crumsticks are the parts of chicken legs between the chicken claws and thighs, roughly shaped like a lute, hence the name. The meat is quite tough, and when eaten with…

Chicken Skin

Chicken skin  鸡皮( jī pí ) Calories: 440kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Beauty and skin care  Tonifying deficiency Not Suitable for: Patients with obesity, hot toxin furuncle, gallstone Introduction: Chicken skin refers to the skin of a chicken, which contains a higher amount of subcutaneous fat and sebum. Due to its rich collagen content, chicken skin can have…

Wenchang Chicken

Wenchang chicken 文昌鸡( wén chāng jī ) Calories: 174kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Supplement nutrition, enhance physical strength, and maintain beauty Not Suitable for: Damp heat constitution  obesity hypertension  diabetes Introduction:  Wenchang chicken is a high-quality fattening chicken named after Wenchang City in Hainan Province. It is characterized by a small body, vibrant feathers, short wings and…

Chinese silk chicken

Chinese silk chicken 乌鸡 ( wū jī ) Calories: 111kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Nourishing blood and regulating menstruation, Protecting vision, Nourishing deficiency Not Suitable for: Obesity  Hypertension Introduction: Chinese silk chicken not only has black beak, eyes, and feet, but also its skin, muscles, bones, and most of its internal organs are black. The meat of…