
Calories: 500kcal/100g Nutritional value: Appetizing, warming, provides energy Not suitable for: Individuals with hyperlipidemia, liver or kidney dysfunction Introduction: Sausages is a type of food that utilizes ancient food production and meat preservation techniques. It involves grinding meat into strips and stuffing it into casings to create long cylindrical sausages. Sausages are typically made by…

Categorized as Meat, Other

Pork fillet

Calories: 155kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Qi and blood nourishment, heat-clearing and detoxification, yin nourishment and kidney tonification Not suitable for: Individuals with dampness-heat phlegm stagnation, obesity, high blood lipids Introduction: Pork tenderloin refers to the tender meat found on the inner side of the pig’s spinal bone. Tenderloin is typically divided into large and small sections.…

Categorized as Meat, Pig

Streaky pork

Calories: 450kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Improves anemia, promotes development Not suitable for: Individuals with obesity, high blood lipids, coronary heart disease, and hypertension Introduction: Streaky pork also known as pork belly, is a popular cut of meat obtained from the rib area of a pig. It consists of alternating layers of lean meat and fat. The…

Categorized as Meat, Pig

Chicken drumstick

Chicken drumstick Calories: 214kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Warms the middle and benefits Qi, strengthens the body Not suitable for: Individuals with excessive phlegm and dampness, those with heat-toxicity abscesses and swelling, individuals with constipation and stool blockage Introduction: Chicken drumstick refers to the portion of a chicken that includes the thigh and drumstick, including the meat…

Minced beef

Minced beef Picture: Calories: 125kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Tonifying Qi, nourishing the stomach, delaying aging, replenishing blood Not suitable for: Individuals with internal heat, skin diseases, liver diseases, kidney diseases Introduction: Minced beef is a low-fat, high-protein food ingredient that contains ample amino acids, providing the necessary protein for the body. It is also enriched with…

Categorized as Cow, Meat

Duck Meat

Duck Meat Picture: Calories: 190 kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Increases appetite, clears heat, cools the blood, nourishes Yin, replenishes deficiencies Not suitable for: Patients with hyperlipidemia, liver disease, diarrhea, and those with deficiency-cold constitution Introduction: Duck meat is cool in nature and has a sweet taste. Its greatest characteristic is its ability to clear heat, remove…

Categorized as Duck, Meat

Minced pork

Minced pork Picture: Calories: 617kcal/100g Nutritional value: Nourishes Qi and blood, moisturizes Yin Not suitable for: Individuals with hypertension, diabetes, and high blood lipid levels Introduction: Minced pork is a common home-cooked dish that is nutritious and delicious, suitable for all ages. Minced pork generally refers to processed meat that has been minced. The most…

Categorized as Pig