
Beefsteak 牛排( niú pái ) Calories: 293kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Nourish the stomach and delay aging Not Suitable for: Excessive internal heat, Liver disease, Kidney disease Introduction: Beefsteak is a sliced beef and is one of the common foods in Western cuisine. Beefsteak is highly nutritious, rich in high-quality protein, which helps build and repair tissues, enhances…

Categorized as Cow, Meat

Beef slices for hot pots

Beef slices for hot pots 肥牛( féi niú ) Calories: 250kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Strengthen the brain, improve intelligence, Strengthen spleen and nourish stomach Not Suitable for: Liver disease, Kidney disease, High cholesterol, High fat Introduction: Beef slices for hot pots are selected from the high-quality muscles of the waist and back, and the abdominal muscles…

Categorized as Cow, Meat

Beef tenderloin

Beef tenderloin 牛里脊 (niú Lǐ Jǐ ) Calories: 136kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Promote rehabilitation, Weight loss,  Delay aging Not Suitable for: Liver disease, Kidney disease, High cholesterol, High fat Introduction: Beef tenderloin, including “sirloin” and “filet,” is a tender and lean meat cut from the back of the cow.  It has a high protein content and…

Categorized as Cow, Meat

Beef shank

Beef shank 牛腱 ( niú jiàn ) Calories: 205kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Strengthen the muscles and bones and  strengthen spleen and nourish stomach Not Suitable for: Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension Introduction: Beef shank is the meat on the thigh above the knee joint, rich in muscle fibers, with a long cylindrical shape. The tendon is wrapped in…

Categorized as Cow, Meat


Oxtail  牛尾 ( niú wěi ) Calories: 147kcal/g Nutritional Value: Beauty and health, Strengthening the muscles and vital energy Not Suitable for: Weight loss  Gout  Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular diseases Introduction: Oxtail is a kind of food material, which is the tail of cattle or buffalo. It has creamy white fat and deep red meat, with…

Categorized as Cow, Meat


Cowhell tendon  牛筋 (niú jīn ) Calories: 151kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Relaxing muscles and bones, Beauty and beauty Not Suitable for: Dental pulpitis Introduction: Cowhell tendon is the tendon or ligament on the bone of cattle. It tastes light and tender, with a texture similar to sea cucumber. It is rich in collagen protein and lower…

Categorized as Cow, Meat

Beef tripe

Beef tripe 牛百叶 (niú bǎi yè) Calories: 70kcal/100g Nutritional Value:  Moisten intestines and promote bowel movements, nourish spleen and stomach, and supplement calcium Not Suitable for:  Phlegm-heat and dryness Introduction: Beef tripe is one of the bovine internal organs, specifically referring to the third compartment of the cow’s stomach known as the omasum. Beef tripe…

Categorized as Cow, Meat

Beef bone

Beef bone 牛骨 ( niú gǔ ) Calories: 200kcal/100g Nutritional Value: trengthen muscles and bones, nourish skin Not Suitable for: People with long-term illness, deficiency, dampness and heat Introduction: Beef bone refers to the bones of a yellow or water buffalo. It has a sweet taste, warm nature, is non-toxic, and has a slightly gamey odor.…

Categorized as Cow, Meat

Beef offal

Beef offal 牛杂( niú zá ) Also known as: beef innards Calories: 168kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Replenish qi, Nourish essence, Nourish stomach and Strengthen spleen Not Suitable for: Cardiovascular disease patients Introduction: Beef offal refers to the internal organs and scrap meat of cattle. The selection of cattle offal must be strict, and fresh, tender, and…

Categorized as Cow, Meat

Beef Trotters

Beef Trotters 牛蹄 ( niú tí ) Calories: 150kcal/100g Nutritional Value: Beauty and skin care, invigorate the tendons and bones, warm the kidneys and tonify the yang. Not Suitable for: Nephritis Cirrhosis High fat High cholesterol Introduction: Beef Trotters refer to the hoof or foot of a cow. It is a nutritionally rich ingredient containing…

Categorized as Cow, Meat