The ultimate wine dish marinated edamame

  卤水毛豆的用料 毛豆 2个 香葱 1个 生姜 1个 干辣椒 1个 八角 15ml 香叶 3ml 陈皮 5g 食盐 3g 花椒 3g 十三香 3g 耗油 3g 老抽 3g 生抽 3g 酱油 3g 白糖 3g  步骤: 1.准备食材.(毛豆提前用温水浸泡1个小时,生姜切片,香葱打结) 2.起锅烧油,下入生姜,香料(八角、香叶、陈皮、花椒)、辣椒煸香。 3.香料炒香后加入毛豆,稍微煸炒一下加入食盐(可以使毛豆味道更香) 4.锅中加入纯净水,没过毛豆即可,大火烧开转小火加入十三香调味。 5.小火炖煮之后加入生抽、老抽、酱油、白糖提鲜增味。 6.锅中加入葱结,大火烧开后,静止半小时即可享用美味(温馨提示冷藏后配啤酒更佳) 小技巧: 1.浸泡时间:将卤水浸泡毛豆放置一段时间,有利于豆子充分入味。通常建议浸泡2至3个小时,这样可以使毛豆更加鲜美。 2.凉水漂浸:煮熟后的毛豆捞出后,立即放入凉水中漂浸。这样有助于保持毛豆的鲜嫩口感,并停止烹饪过程。   卤水毛豆,是夏日的美食瑰宝,更是美好时光的见证。在欢乐的聚会中,亲朋好友围坐一桌,共同品尝这道美味,笑声和谈话交织在空气中。岁月静好,回忆如昨。每一颗卤水毛豆都承载着温馨和喜悦,将我们紧密地联系在一起。让我们沉浸在卤水毛豆的美妙滋味中,感受夏日的清新和快乐。无论是家庭聚餐还是友情相聚,这道美食都能为我们带来共同的喜悦和幸福。让我们一同享受这份夏日的美味吧!

Steamed enoki mushroom with garlic

On a tranquil summer afternoon, sunlight poured into the kitchen through the window, casting a gentle aroma of garlic. I gently held a handful of enoki mushrooms, their immaculate white bodies resembling slender silver needles, soft and smooth in my palm. Arranging the enoki mushrooms neatly on the steaming plate, I peeled a few fresh…

Simple Recipe for Delicious Pork Lard and Lard Residue

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The best recipe for Farmer’s Crispy Rice Cake

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The Best Recipe for White Chicken Mushroom

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Simple Recipe for Dry Pot Long Green Beans

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Recipe for Oyster Sauce Mushrooms

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The best homemade recipe for cold tossed oil-seed rape

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The simplest method for making Stewed Cucumber with Fried Egg

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