Egg white

Egg white Picture: Calories: 60kcal/100g Function: Improves texture, used as a transparent adhesive agent Introduction: Egg white is the clear liquid portion that surrounds the yolk in an egg. Initially, the egg white is the cytoplasm of a single-cell egg and its purpose is to provide nutrition to the developing embryo. This is why egg…


Egg Alias: Egg, Chicken egg picture: Calories: 147kcal/100g Nutritional value: Brain-boosting, liver protection, anti-aging, cancer prevention. Not suitable for: High fever, diarrhea, hepatitis, nephritis, cholecystitis, coronary heart disease patients should avoid consumption. Introduction: Eggs are a highly nutritious and relatively inexpensive common food. They have a wide range of consumers, from infants aged 4-5 months…

Categorized as Egg, Eggs