Traditional Beijing Soybean Juice

  Soybean Juice“豆汁儿”(dòu zhī er). At the lively entrance of a hutong, a small stall displays a row of weathered clay pots, filled with an ancient and enigmatic beverage known as Douzhi. This is one of the most classic features of old Beijing, and its taste seems capable of traversing time, transporting individuals back to…

Categorized as Beverage

Summer Shaved Ice – Succulent Grapes

On a scorching summer day, nothing brings more joy than a cup of refreshing shaved ice. Succulent Grape Shaved Ice is the epitome of coolness during this season. It is made with fresh grapes, each juicy and plump, boasting vibrant colors like gemstones embedded in the ice. By blending the grapes in a blender, their…

Categorized as Beverage

The recipe for iced black tea

The refreshing and sweet taste of iced black tea is like a gift from nature. In its aroma, you can sense a unique fruity fragrance and a hint of sweetness, which comes from the tea itself. When you take a gentle sip, the sweetness of the iced black tea flows in your mouth, giving you…

Categorized as Beverage

Three red ginger tea

In the hustle and bustle of life, we are often plagued by fatigue and stress. However, nature always bestows upon us endless treasures. Three Red Ginger Tea is such a gift from nature, offering us a unique experience of deliciousness and health. This tea combines black tea, red dates, and brown sugar in a clever…

Categorized as Beverage

The recipe for Strawberry Oreo cup

When tasting it, you can not only enjoy the wonderful flavors of strawberries and Oreo, but also feel the silky texture in your mouth, as if indulging in a delightful gustatory feast. It also has high nutritional value. Fresh strawberries are rich in vitamin C and fiber, while Oreo is rich in carbohydrates and protein.…

Categorized as Beverage

Strawberry yogurt cup

When tasting it, you can not only feel the wonderful taste of strawberry and yogurt, but also feel its silky texture in your mouth, as if being in a wonderful feast of taste. It also has high nutritional value. Fresh strawberries are rich in vitamin C and fiber, while yogurt is rich in protein and…

Categorized as Beverage