Candied apples

Published Categorized as Dessert, Street food

Caramelized apples“拔丝苹果'(bá sī píng guǒ).
Caramelized apples, like a poem and a painting. Their appearance is round and plump, with a color reminiscent of a ruby, bringing a sense of joy and tranquility. With each delicate bite, the apple juice bursts into the mouth, offering a refreshing sweetness. However, what truly captivates is the long strands of caramelized syrup, resembling morning dew in autumn, gently enveloping every inch of the apple’s skin. Tasting caramelized apples feels like strolling through an orchard on an autumn day. The gentle breeze brushes against the face, caressing the apple leaves, accompanied by warm sunlight that makes one feel the generosity of nature. Each chew is akin to a dance of autumn, light and graceful. The threads of syrup bloom with a sweet aroma in the mouth, deeply touching both taste buds and soul.

Comprehensive rating:

2 min 5 min 3 CrispSweet Easy

Ingredients for caramelized apples:

Apple 200g
Salt 2g
Suger 100g
Corn starch 20g


1.Peel the apples and cut them into cube-shaped pieces. You can use a fruit knife or a peeler to remove the skin completely from the apples. Then, place the diced apples in a container. Next, marinate the apple pieces. This step aims to enhance the texture and flavor of the apples. Sprinkle a moderate amount of salt and cornstarch over the apple pieces. Gently mix to ensure that the salt and cornstarch evenly coat the apples. The marinating time can be about 2 minutes, enough for the apples to absorb the savory taste of the salt without becoming too salty. Once marinated, rinse the apple pieces with clean water to remove any excess salt. Drain the apples and set aside.

2.Prepare a frying pan and heat a sufficient amount of cooking oil over medium heat. Once the oil is hot, reduce the heat to medium-low to prevent the apples from browning too quickly or getting burnt. Place the marinated apple pieces evenly in the pan. Make sure each piece of apple comes into contact with the bottom of the pan and keep some spacing between the pieces to avoid sticking together. The frying time will depend on personal preference and the firmness of the apples. Generally, fry for about 2-3 minutes on each side until they turn golden brown with a slight caramelization. Use tongs or a spatula to gently flip the apple pieces to ensure even frying. This will result in uniformly cooked and fragrant apples. Once both sides of the apple pieces are golden brown, remove them from the pan and place them on paper towels to remove excess oil.

3.Prepare a wide-bottomed pot or sauté pan and reheat it. Add a small amount of water to prevent the sugar from sticking to the bottom of the pan and facilitate the formation of syrup. Sprinkle 100g of white sugar evenly over the water in the pan. Heat over medium-high heat, allowing the sugar to slowly dissolve and begin boiling. Once the sugar starts turning transparent and small bubbles appear, reduce the heat to low. Continue heating until the syrup gradually turns amber in color, presenting an enticing golden hue. At this point, gently pour the previously fried apple pieces into the syrup. Using a spatula or tongs, quickly and gently mix the apple pieces with the syrup, ensuring that each piece is coated with the sweet syrup. Continue stirring the apple pieces over low heat, allowing them to absorb the syrup evenly and cook for a certain amount of time, enhancing their sweetness. When the caramelized apple pieces have a uniform color and start forming threads, it indicates that they are ready. Turn off the heat and transfer the candied apples onto a plate or bowl.


  1. Choose apple varieties that are suitable for making candied apples. Generally, crisp and moderately sweet apple varieties, such as Red Fuji, Gala, or Akane, work well for making candied apples.
  2. Before marinating the apple pieces, soak the apples in saltwater for about 5 minutes, then rinse them with clean water. This step ensures cleaner apples and helps maintain their texture and color stability.

Candied apples are a gift from nature, teaching us to cherish every sensation on our taste buds and appreciate the beauty of life. In moments like these, all worries and concerns fade away, leaving only the sweetness and joy to immerse in. Whether it’s a solitary moment or gathering with loved ones, candied apples make the perfect companion. They bring warmth and happiness, enveloping the whole world in sweetness. Without the need for elaborate decoration, candied apples act as a vibrant splash of color in life, adorning ordinary moments with brilliance.

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