
Published Categorized as Fruit vegetable, Vegetables

Canavalia 刀豆 ( dāo dòu )
Classification: Legume, Phaseolus
Calories: 40kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Anticancer、Antitumor、Improve immunity
Not Suitable for: Renal disease
Introduction: Canavalia is a climbing herbaceous plant that can grow several meters long.It has pinnate compound leaves with ovate leaflets, which are wide-wedge-shaped at the base.The lateral leaflets are slightly inclined, and the petiole is often shorter than the leaflets. The leaflets are hairy.The inflorescence is in the form of a raceme with a long peduncle, and several flowers are borne above the middle part of the rachis.The flower stalks are very short, and the small bracts are ovate and early falling.The corolla is white or pink, and the banner petal is broadly oval with a concave apex.The ovary is linear and hairy.The fruit is strap-shaped and slightly curved.The seeds are oval or elongated-oval with red or brown seed coats.The tender pods and seeds of canavalia are edible but need to be boiled in saltwater first and then cooked in clean water before consumption.Canavalia can also be used as a green manure to cover crops and as animal feed.



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