Broad bean

Published Categorized as Fruit vegetable, Vegetables

Broad bean 蚕豆 ( cán dòu )
Classification: Leguminosae, Vicia
Calories: 8.8kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Replenish energy、Promote urination and dispel dampness、Invigorate spleen and stimulate appetite
Not Suitable for: Hemorrhoids、Chronic colitis、 Indigestion
Introduction: Broad beans have plump pods that are 5-10 centimeters long and 2-3 centimeters wide.The skin of the pods is green and covered with fuzz, while the interior contains a white spongy partition.When mature, the skin of the pods turns black.The seeds are 2-4 (-6) in number, rectangular or nearly rectangular in shape, slightly concave in the middle, and have a leathery seed coat.They can be green, grayish-green, brownish, or even purplish or black in color.The seed hilum is linear and black, located at one end of the seed. Broad beans bloom from April to May and bear fruit from May to June.Broad beans are the third most important winter legume crop in the world.They have high nutritional value, with protein content ranging from 25% to 35%. Broad beans are also rich in sugars, minerals, vitamins, calcium, and iron.Additionally, as a nitrogen-fixing crop, broad beans can convert molecular nitrogen in the environment into nitrogen compounds, thereby increasing the nitrogen content in the soil.When buying fresh broad beans, it is important to peel open the pods and inspect them. Look for pods with green-colored veins, as they indicate freshness.Fresh broad beans have thin skins and tender flesh, providing a soft and starchy texture.If the veins turn black, it indicates that the beans are not fresh anymore, and their skins will be thick and flesh firm, resulting in an unpleasant eating experience.

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