Braised Squid with Scallions

Published Categorized as Major styles of cooking, Shandong cuisine

Stir-fried Squid with Scallions is a delicious dish with a tender texture and a fragrant aroma. It also offers numerous nutritional benefits. Squid is rich in protein, which plays an important role in the repair and growth of body cells. It also contains a significant amount of selenium and iron, both of which have positive effects on the normal functioning of the immune system and the health of the blood system. So, let’s get cooking!

Ingredients for Braised Squid with Scallions

Squid one
Green onion 40g
Green pepper 15g
Red pepper 15g
Ginger 8g
Garlic 6g
Salt 2g
Chicken powder 1g
Sugar 3g
Pepper powder 1g
Oyster sauce 5g
Cooking wine 5g
Dark soy sauce 2g
Starch 3g
Sesame oil 5g


1.First, let’s prepare the ingredients. Take one squid, cut open its belly, remove the innards, eyes, and teeth, and clean the squid thoroughly. Cut the squid tentacles into even small pieces. Place the squid body skin side down and make diagonal cuts every two millimeters without cutting through. Then, turn it in another direction and make more cuts. After cutting, slice it into two-centimeter segments.

2.Cut two large scallions diagonally into horseshoe-shaped slices. Take half of a green and red bell pepper, remove the seeds, and slice them into strips for garnish. Cut a small piece of ginger into diamond-shaped slices and slice a few garlic cloves. Mix the ginger and garlic together.

3.Now let’s prepare the seasoning. In a bowl, add 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of chicken powder, a little bit of sugar for freshness, 1 gram of pepper, 5 grams of oyster sauce, 5 grams of cooking wine to remove fishy smell, and 2 grams of dark soy sauce for color. Then add a little bit of water and a teaspoon of starch, mix well, and add 5 grams of sesame oil. Set aside.

4.Next, blanch the squid. Add water to a pot, pour in 5 grams of cooking wine, and bring it to a boil. Add the squid and the green and red bell pepper strips, blanch them quickly for 20 seconds. Once the squid turns opaque, remove it from the water and rinse with clean water to cool. Rinsing with water will make the squid more tender and crispy.

5.Heat oil in a pan. Once the oil is hot, add the ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Then add the sliced scallions and stir-fry until fragrant. Add the drained squid and the green and red bell pepper strips. Pour in the prepared seasoning and stir-fry quickly on high heat. The entire cooking process should not exceed one minute. Once the ingredients are well-seasoned, transfer to a plate. The delicious stir-fried squid with scallions is now ready to be served.


1.Choose fresh and firm squid for better texture and taste when cooking.
2.When stir-frying the squid and scallions, make sure to do it quickly to maintain the tender and smooth texture of the squid. Overcooking can result in the squid becoming tough and losing its tenderness.
3.Pay attention to the cooking time and heat. Squid cooks quickly and overcooking can make it tough. Therefore, it is important to stir-fry quickly and remove the squid from the heat as soon as it turns white.

Braised Squid with Scallions is a delicious seafood dish that is both visually appealing and flavorful. Not only does it satisfy our taste buds, but it also brings numerous health benefits to our bodies. Let’s enjoy this culinary delight together!


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