Braised Noodles with Potato and Ham

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Braised Noodles with Potato and Ham”土豆火腿焖面”(Tǔ dòu huǒ tuǐ mèn miàn).
On this cold winter afternoon, a steaming bowl of Braised Noodles with Potato and Ham is placed before me. The aroma of the dish fills the air, instantly warming my heart, as if a ray of sunshine has touched the chilly winter day. Firstly, let me be captivated by its enticing appearance. The noodles are tender yet chewy, with a natural yellow hue, emanating heat. Thin slices of ham, accompanied by golden potato chunks, are scattered on top of the noodles, forming a delightful picture. As I gaze upon this culinary masterpiece, my appetite awakens, eagerly anticipating the taste. When I pick up my chopsticks and the first strand of noodle slides into my mouth, the soft texture and delicious flavor immediately conquer my taste buds. The texture of the noodles blends harmoniously with the savory aroma of the ham, creating a gentle dance on my tongue. Subsequently, the sweetness of the potato gradually emerges, interweaving with the saltiness of the ham, adding layers to the entire dish. This Braised Noodles with Potato and Ham is not just a feast for the senses; it also satisfies my soul and sight. Each bite of the noodles seems to carry the warmth of home, reminding me of the food my mother lovingly cooked when I was a child. The comforting flavor allows me to feel the warmth and care of home.

Comprehensive rating:

2 min 6 min 8 Delicious 、 Flavorful Easy
Ingredients for Braised Noodles with Potato and Ham:
Potato 150g
Ham sausage 100g
Instant noodles 140g
Salt 5g
Chopped green onion 10g
Garlic 20g
Light soy sauce 5g
Soy sauce 3g


1.Prepare a potato and peel off its skin. Use a knife or vegetable peeler to carefully remove the outer layer of the potato, making sure to remove all the skin. Clean the peeled potato thoroughly. Place the potato in a sink or container and rinse them with water, ensuring there are no residual dirt or impurities. Gently rub the surface of the potato with your hands to make sure they’re clean.Cut the cleaned potato into small cubes of about 1 centimeter in size. Place the potato on a cutting board and use a knife to cut them. Start by cutting the whole potato into long strips and then cut the strips into small cubes about 1 centimeter in size. Try to keep the potato cubes uniform in size to ensure even cooking during the process.Take out the ham sausage and remove the packaging. Depending on your preference, choose an appropriate amount of ham sausage. Open the packaging of the ham sausage and completely remove the outer wrapping paper or film. Then, use a knife to cut the ham sausage into even slices. You can cut the ham sausage into thin or slightly thicker slices, depending on your personal preference.Prepare the garlic and mince it. Take a suitable amount of garlic cloves and peel off their skins. Then place the peeled garlic on a cutting board and press or cut it into small pieces using the back of a knife or the blade. This helps release the stronger flavor of the garlic and facilitates its faster dissolution and integration with other ingredients during cooking.
2.Heat the cooking oil in a skillet. In a frying pan, add a suitable amount of cooking oil and preheat the bottom of the pan over medium-high heat.Add the diced potato and start stir-frying. Pour the diced potatoes into the hot oil and quickly stir-fry them with a spatula to ensure even heating. Stir-fry for about 1 minute to slightly soften the potato cubes.Add an appropriate amount of salt. While stir-frying the potato cubes, sprinkle in an appropriate amount of salt. Adjust the amount according to personal taste.Continue stir-frying the potato cubes until they are evenly browned on both sides and turn golden. This will enhance the texture and aroma of the potatoes.Add the sliced ham and continue stir-frying. Once the potato cubes are golden on both sides, add the sliced ham to the pan and stir-fry together with the potatoes. Stir-fry until the ham slices become crispy and emit an enticing aroma.Add minced garlic and chopped green onions, and continue stir-frying. After stir-frying the ham slices, add the minced garlic and chopped green onions to the pan and stir-fry together with the ingredients. Stir-fry for about half a minute until the garlic and green onions release a rich fragrance.Pour in enough boiling water to cover the ingredients.
3.Increase the heat to high and wait for the water to boil. When the water in the pot starts to boil, it indicates that it has come to a boil.Add the noodles. Place the pre-prepared noodles into the boiling water, ensuring that they are fully immersed in the broth. Gently stir them with chopsticks to evenly distribute the noodles.Reduce the heat to low and cover the pot. Adjust the heat to low and cover the pot with a lid. This allows the noodles to simmer at a gentle temperature and absorb the flavors of the broth.Allow the noodles to absorb the broth. Let the noodles simmer over low heat for several minutes until they soften and absorb the flavors of the broth. You can occasionally lift the lid to check the doneness and texture of the noodles.Lightly separate the noodles with chopsticks. Once the noodles have softened and absorbed the broth, use chopsticks to gently separate and loosen the noodles, making them more fluffy. This enhances the texture and flavor of the dish.Add minced garlic and chopped green onions. Sprinkle the minced garlic and chopped green onions into the pot, then gently stir with a spatula or chopsticks to evenly distribute them on the noodles. Mix well after adding the ingredients.Continue to stir and mix with a spatula or chopsticks, allowing the minced garlic and green onions to blend thoroughly with the noodles. Once all the ingredients are evenly combined, you can enjoy the delicious Braised Noodles with Potato and Ham!

1.Use stock or chicken broth: To enhance the texture and flavor of the dish, you can use stock or chicken broth instead of plain water to simmer the noodles. The rich taste of the stock or chicken broth will better infuse into the potatoes and ham, making the whole dish more delicious.2.Adjust the cooking time: When simmering the noodles, adjust the cooking time based on your desired level of softness. If you prefer a softer and more tender texture, simmer the noodles for a longer time. If you prefer a slightly chewier texture, reduce the simmering time accordingly.

When this delicious dish of Braised Noodles with Potato and Ham is presented before us, the first thing that catches our eyes is its vibrant colors. The reddish ham cubes, golden potato chunks, green chopped green onions, and the noodles soaked in flavorful broth create a lively and enticing sight. The interplay of these colors evokes a sense of natural vitality and warmth, as if we are immersed in a blooming garden. Whether it’s the first bite or the last, tasting this dish brings ultimate enjoyment to our taste buds. The noodles melt in your mouth, tender yet chewy; the savory saltiness of the ham blends with the sweetness of the potatoes, creating an explosion of flavors on the palate that makes you want to close your eyes and immerse yourself in the experience. The richness of the broth envelops each strand of noodles and every potato piece, making each bite a feast for the senses. The taste is so satisfying that it leaves a lasting impression and a desire to savor it continuously.

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