Braised Grass Carp: A Delicious and Flavorful Sichuan Cuisine Delicacy

Published Categorized as Sichuan cuisine

Braised Grass Carp, it is deliciousness is like the colors of autumn, rich and fulfilling. Under the sunlight, the fish flesh glistens with an enticing sheen, as if telling its own story. With each bite, one can savor the tenderness of the fish meat and the richness of the sauce, creating a delightful sensation that engulfs the senses. The clever combination of spices adds even more depth to the dish, enhancing its overall texture. Braised Grass Carp is an irresistible delicacy that is hard to resist.

Ingredients for Braised Grass Carp:

Grass carp 600g
Ginger 8g
Scallion 3g
Salt 3g
Cooking wine 5g
Garlic 3g
Essence of chicken 1g
Sugar 1g
Light soy sauce 5g
Mature vinegar 3g
Pepper powder 1g
Bean paste 5g
Green pricklyash 5g
Small chili pepper 3g


1.First, you will need a fresh grass carp. To remove the fishy odor, you can stun the fish or use other methods to immobilize it and gently bleed out the blood. This effectively reduces the fishy smell. Next, you need to scale the fish. Use a scaler or the back of a knife to scrape against the grain of the fish, removing all the scales and ensuring the fish is clean. Then, remove the fish’s internal organs. Make a gentle incision along the center of the fish’s belly with the tip of a knife, carefully removing the internal organs and cleaning them thoroughly. Pay attention to cleaning the inner wall of the fish’s belly to ensure there are no residues.

2.Next, marinate the grass carp. This step helps enhance the flavor of the fish. First, make diagonal cuts on both sides of the grass carp. Using a kitchen knife or a sharp blade, make shallow cuts into the fish meat, creating a fine, shallow line along the body of the fish. Be careful not to cut through the flesh, only cut until the fish bones. These cuts allow the marinade to penetrate the fish meat, adding texture and aroma. Place the marinated grass carp in a bowl, ensuring that both sides are diagonally scored. Now, you can proceed with the next steps of the cooking process. Remember to handle the knife with care while making the diagonal cuts to avoid injury to your fingers or accidental slips.

3.Next, let’s prepare the marinade for the grass carp. You’ll need a piece of fresh ginger, thinly sliced. Ginger slices can enhance the aroma of the grass carp and reduce its fishy smell. Next, take a few scallions and gently bruise them to release their fragrance. Sprinkle some salt and cooking wine over the scallions to make them more flavorful and refreshing. Now, evenly spread these seasonings on both sides of the marinated grass carp. Use a brush or your fingers to gently apply the marinade, making sure every part is evenly covered. Once coated, place the grass carp in a container for marinating and let it rest for about 10 minutes. This allows the grass carp to fully absorb the flavors of the marinade and adds texture and aroma. Remember to keep the marinated fish in the refrigerator or a cool, well-ventilated area to ensure freshness and food safety. After 10 minutes of marinating, the grass carp has been properly prepared.

4.Next, let’s prepare the additional ingredients for the braised grass carp. First, we’ll need a piece of ginger. Cut the ginger into thick slices and then dice the slices into smaller pieces. This method helps release a stronger ginger aroma and allows it to infuse better during cooking. Next, we’ll need a few cloves of garlic. Peel the garlic cloves and chop them into small pieces. The chopped garlic adds fragrance and a unique flavor to the dish. Additionally, we’ll need a few small dried chili peppers. Cut the chili peppers into rings. If you prefer a spicier taste, you can cut the peppers slightly thinner. Now, you have the diced ginger, chopped garlic, and chili pepper rings as additional ingredients. They will add different tastes and flavor layers to the braised grass carp. Remember to adjust the amount of these ingredients based on your personal preference for spiciness and flavor during the cooking process.

5.Prepare a pot and pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil. Once the oil is heated just until it starts to smoke slightly, begin frying the grass carp. Slowly place the fish head into the hot oil. Make sure to fry it over low heat to evenly heat the fish head and maintain a crispy texture on the outside. Fry the fish head for about 1-2 minutes. Then slowly add the fish tail to the pot and continue frying with the fish head. Keep frying over low heat for about 6 minutes. Throughout the frying process, continuously pour hot oil over the fish head, fish tail, and any exposed parts to ensure all sides are heated evenly. Avoid flipping the fish to maintain its shape. After approximately 6 minutes of frying, the grass carp should be fully cooked, with both sides turning golden brown. Carefully remove the fried grass carp from the oil, drain excess oil, and place it on a serving plate. The fried grass carp will have a crispy outer skin and tender, flavorful flesh inside.

6.Leave a small amount of oil in the pot. Once the oil temperature reaches around 50-60% hot and small bubbles start to form, add approximately 5 grams of Sichuan peppercorns. Sichuan peppercorns add aroma and a unique mouth-numbing sensation to the dish. Then, add the prepared additional ingredients, diced ginger, chopped garlic, and chili pepper rings. Quickly stir-fry the ingredients to release their fragrances. Next, add a spoonful of bean paste and quickly stir-fry to let the doubanjiang release its red oil color and aroma. This step helps evenly combine the seasonings and enhances the flavor of the braised grass carp. Be mindful to maintain moderate heat while stir-frying to avoid overcooking or burning the ingredients.

7.Gradually pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, enough to cover the grass carp. Then, start seasoning by adding 1 gram each of salt, chicken powder, ground pepper, and white sugar. Add 5 grams of cooking wine, 5 grams of light soy sauce, and 3 grams of vinegar. These seasonings will enhance the texture and flavor of the grass carp. Next, turn up the heat and bring the broth to a boil. Once the broth starts boiling, reduce the heat to low and maintain a simmer. At this point, place the previously fried grass carp into the pot and continuously pour the broth over the exposed parts of the fish. Make sure every part of the grass carp is well seasoned. This process needs to continue for about 5 minutes to ensure that the grass carp is fully cooked while maintaining its tenderness. While cooking, be mindful of controlling the heat to avoid overflowing or overcooking the fish. After 5 minutes of cooking, the grass carp should be thoroughly cooked and well-flavored.

8.Keep the heat high in the pot and continue boiling the remaining broth until it thickens. This will enhance the richness and texture of the broth. Once the broth reaches a thick consistency, remove it from the heat and evenly pour it over the grass carp. This allows the grass carp to fully absorb the flavors of the broth and adds more taste to the dish. Now, you have successfully prepared a delicious braised grass carp with flavorful broth. Enjoy your meal!


1.Ensure that you choose fresh grass carp with no strange odor, bright eyes, and intact scales. This will ensure a better texture for the braised grass carp.

2.When cleaning the grass carp, make sure to remove the black membrane inside the fish belly. This helps reduce the fishy smell. Also, when dealing with the fish head, it’s necessary to remove the teeth.

3.When cooking the grass carp, adding an appropriate amount of cooking wine can help remove the fishy smell and enhance the flavor. During the cooking process, a delightful aroma will fill the air.

Braised grass carp is like a beautiful painting that makes your mouth water. As it simmers in the pot, the deliciousness of the fish combines with the richness of the spices, creating an irresistible aroma. Each piece of fish absorbs the flavorful broth, and with every bite, you can taste the burst of deliciousness spreading in your mouth. The texture of this dish is layered and rich, leaving a lingering taste. Whether paired with rice or steamed buns, braised grass carp is a nutritious and delicious choice.

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