Braised Beef Strips

Published Categorized as Guangdong cuisine, Hunan cuisine, Major styles of cooking, Sichuan cuisine

Braised beef strips“扒牛肉条”(pá niú ròu tiáo).
Braised beef strips, with their rich and fragrant flavor, are truly the epitome of culinary enjoyment. With just one bite, your mouth is filled with an aroma that transports you to a sunny morning on the grasslands. Each beef strip is like a carefully crafted piece of art, meticulously selected and prepared. They are cut into even thickness, exuding a deep soy sauce red color. This hue is as enticing as flames, igniting a desire within you that is hard to resist. As you place the beef strips into the pot, the unique fragrance gradually fills the air with increasing temperature. It’s as if you are transported to a magical time and space, experiencing the moment when the beef and sauce blend together. This distinct aroma has the power to evoke memories deep within your heart, leaving you longing for more.

Comprehensive rating:

60 min 100 min 10 Tender 、smooth Moderate
Ingredients for Braised Beef Strips:
Beef 500g
Green onion 20g
Ginger 10g
Star anise 3g
Fragrant leaves 5g
Cooking wine 10g
Sugar 5g
Salt 3g
Essence of chicken 3g
Dark soy sauce 5g
Light soy sauce 5g


1.Place the beef in a container and add enough water to cover it. Let it soak for 2 hours. This soaking process is important to remove blood from the beef, making it more tender. During soaking, the beef will absorb water and release excess blood, reducing the gamey flavor and impurities. After soaking, remove the beef strips and rinse them with clean water to ensure there is no residual blood or impurities. Pat dry the surface of the beef strips with kitchen paper towels to remove excess moisture and allow them to slightly dry.

2.In a deep pot, add enough water and put the beef in cold water. This helps remove any remaining blood and makes the beef cleaner. Place the pot over high heat and once the water starts boiling, skim off any scum using a spoon. The scum mainly consists of impurities on the surface of the beef, removing them helps improve the purity and clarity of the broth. Add green onion, ginger, star anise, and fragrant leaves. These aromatics add fragrance to the beef and help eliminate any gaminess. Also, add a moderate amount of cooking wine to remove the gamey flavor and enhance the taste of the beef. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and start simmering the beef. The simmering time takes about 90 minutes, and it requires patience. Slowly simmering over low heat allows the beef to cook evenly and become tender. Keep the pot covered during simmering to retain the richness of the broth and the tenderness of the beef. Be gentle when flipping the beef strips to avoid affecting their texture. To check if it’s done, gently pierce the beef with chopsticks – if they easily go through and the beef has become tender, it indicates the simmering is finished. Remove the beef and slice it into thin pieces for serving.

3.Prepare a large pot and add a sufficient amount of beef broth (you can use the broth obtained from simmering the beef). The beef broth provides a rich flavor and texture to the braised beef strips. Add an appropriate amount of sugar, salt, essence of chicken, dark soy sauce, and light soy sauce. These seasonings enhance the taste of the beef strips, making them more flavorful, sweet, and visually appealing. Turn the heat to high, bring the broth to a boil. High heat allows the seasonings to fully blend with the beef broth quickly, enhancing the flavor. Once the broth boils, add the sliced beef strips into the pot. Ensure that each piece of beef is coated with the broth to absorb the flavors. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and continue simmering for about 30 seconds. This step aims to allow the beef strips to absorb the flavors of the broth and become tender and smooth. After simmering, remove the braised beef strips from the pot and place them on a plate. The broth can be reserved as a seasoning or poured over the beef strips to enhance the taste.


  1. Choose suitable beef cuts: Select beef cuts that are suitable for braising, such as beef brisket or beef shank. These cuts usually have some connective tissue, which can become tender and flavorful after slow cooking.
  2. Master the cooking time: When simmering beef, it’s important to control the cooking time. Simmering over low heat allows the beef to cook evenly and achieve a tender texture. Boiling the broth over high heat quickly blends the seasonings with the beef broth.

Braised beef strips are stir-fried until slightly golden on the outside but still retain their tender texture inside. Each bite reveals the chewiness and juiciness of the beef, like experiencing a rich and profound artwork. Paired with meticulously prepared flame-red sauce, the thick and savory broth complements the beef strips, creating a delightful taste. Picking up a piece of beef strip with chopsticks, it melts in the mouth, leaving behind a tender and sweet sensation. With each sip, the taste buds on the tongue awaken, bringing about a sense of pleasure. This satisfaction is truly intoxicating. Braised beef strips are not just a dish, but an indulgence in aesthetics. They transport us to a world full of poetic charm, allowing us to experience the emotions and stories conveyed through food. Whether enjoyed during a quiet afternoon or shared with loved ones in moments of joy, braised beef strips always bring surprises and satisfaction. May each tasting become a feast for the soul, and may every piece of beef strip create beautiful memories. Let us immerse ourselves in the world of braised beef strips and savor its enchanting allure.

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