Beef lungs

Published Categorized as Cow, Meat

Beef lungs 牛肺 ( niú fèi )

Calories: 95kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: nourishing blood and benefiting qi, strengthening bones
Not Suitable for: High cholesterol
Introduction: Beef lungs refer to the lungs of a yellow or water buffalo. During the butchering process, the beef lungs are extracted from the thoracic cavity, thoroughly washed with clean water to remove blood, and then consumed fresh. Beef lungs have a sweet taste and a neutral nature. They are rich in nutrients, including vitamins and trace elements. Beef lungs enhance calcium absorption, promote bone metabolism, and can help prevent or assist in the treatment of orthopedic diseases. The high iron content in beef lungs has a blood-nourishing and Qi-boosting effect, making it suitable for individuals with dull complexion, loss of radiance, and cold hands and feet. Beef lungs can be used to make soup. Before consumption, it is important to thoroughly wash the beef lungs to remove any blood and impurities. After blanching the beef lungs with boiling water, they can be stir-fried until cooked, removed from the pan, and then cut radish into pieces. Peeled almonds can also be added. In a pot, add water along with the beef lungs, radish, and almonds, and cook until done. Season as desired before serving.

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