Beef large intestine

Published Categorized as Cow, Meat

Beef large intestine 牛大肠 (niú dà cháng)

Calories: 66kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Strengthen spleen and muscles, Improve immunity
Not Suitable for: Hyperlipidemia,、Diabetes
Introduction: Beef large intestine refers to the large intestines of a yellow or water buffalo. Beef large intestines are rich in protein and have various benefits, such as maintaining potassium-sodium balance, reducing edema, boosting immunity, and alleviating anemia. They also contain a significant amount of copper, which is an essential trace nutrient for human health. Copper plays a vital role in the development and function of blood, central nervous system, immune system, hair, bone tissues, as well as the development and function of organs like the liver and heart.It is important to note that real beef large intestines have uneven thickness, a velvety appearance, and curl up around the edges when blanched. On the other hand, imitation beef large intestines have even thickness, a smooth surface, and can be difficult to cook thoroughly.When preparing beef large intestines, it is recommended to invert them and remove any excess oil and dirt from the inside before cooking. The cooking method can be chosen according to personal preferences.

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