Beef Blood

Published Categorized as Cow, Meat

Beef Blood 牛血 (niú xiě )

Calories: 82kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Nourishing blood and qi, Harmonizing the stomach and spleen, and Supplementing nutrition
Not Suitable for: Liver Disease, Obesity, Hypertension, Coronary heart disease, High cholesterol
Introduction: Beef Blood is a type of traditional Chinese medicine derived from the blood of yellow or water buffalo. Consuming an appropriate amount of beef blood can help alleviate issues related to inadequate Qi and blood, as well as anemia, effectively improving symptoms of physical weakness. Beef blood is rich in iron, which has therapeutic effects on conditions such as blood deficiency, amenorrhea, anemia, and rectal bleeding. It can help neutralize gastric acid, improving indigestion and abdominal pain caused by excessive stomach acid. Additionally, beef blood is alkaline, helping to balance acidity in the body, enhance resistance, and improve immune function. Beef blood is highly nutritious, containing abundant proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as various minerals and vitamins. Consuming it allows for the absorption of these nutrients, accelerating metabolism, and detoxifying the body. It is important to note that consuming beef blood together with soybeans may cause indigestion, while eating it with seaweed may lead to constipation. Combining beef blood with fo-ti (Polygonum multiflorum) can cause discomfort and negatively impact health.

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