Authentic Delicacy: Braised Chicken

Published Categorized as Guangdong cuisine, Major styles of cooking, Shandong cuisine

Braised Chicken“扒鸡“(pā jī).

In a tranquil countryside, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, there is a small restaurant hidden among the lush trees. The signature dish here is an enticing braised chicken, which is not just a culinary delight but also a poetic work of art.As you step into this small restaurant, a subtle aroma wafts through the air, as if transporting you to a field where chickens roam freely. The air is filled with the tantalizing scent of grilled meat, making your mouth water uncontrollably. The scene before you resembles a meticulously painted artwork, with golden and crispy braised chicken arranged on plates, emanating enticing colors and gloss.After being carefully prepared, the braised chicken is firm and juicy, with a crispy skin that conceals a rich flavor. With each bite, you can feel the tenderness of the chicken and savor its intense aroma. The taste dances on your palate like musical notes, evoking a deep sense of awe within your soul.

Comprehensive rating:

1440 min 150 min 22 Melting at the entrance Moderate

Ingredients for Braised Chicken

Female chicken 1000g
Sichuan Peppercorn Salt 10g
Honey 50g
Cinnamon bark 5g
Angelica dahurica 3g
White Atractylodes 3g
Sugar 5g
Star anise 3g
Fragrant leaves 3g
Sand ginger 3g
Licorice 3g
Amomum tsao-ko 3g
Sichuan peppercorn 5g
Clove 3g
Dried hawthorn 5g
Fennel Seeds 5g
Dried chilli 5g
Green onion 5g
Ginger 5g
Light soy sauce 3g
Soy sauce 5g
Rock sugar 5g
Dark soy sauce 5g


1.Place a fresh chicken on a cutting board. Carefully clean it and pat dry to enhance its natural shine. Next, we want to add a unique flavor to this chicken. Take a small bowl of Sichuan peppercorn salt, lightly wet your fingers, and evenly rub it on the inside and outside of the chicken. Each touch seems to awaken the taste buds of the chicken, immersing it in the aroma of Sichuan peppercorn salt. After applying the seasoning, we need to give the chicken some time to absorb the flavors. Place the seasoned chicken in a sealed container and refrigerate for 24 hours. During this time, the pungent aroma of Sichuan peppercorn and the salty flavor will penetrate the fibers of the chicken, making it more delicious and flavorful.

2.Pick up a pair of kitchen scissors and carefully remove the chicken’s feet. This step is not only for aesthetics but also makes the cooking process more convenient. Next, we need to handle the chicken feet skillfully to maintain the overall presentation of the whole chicken. Fold the chicken feet into the belly of the chicken and gently tuck them in, making them blend with the body. This step requires patience and meticulousness to ensure that the chicken feet are tightened and look neat and presentable. At the same time, pay attention to the wings of the chicken. Extend one hand from the chicken’s mouth, gently pass through the body, and pull out the wings. Then, unfold the wings and secure them to the body. You can use kitchen twine or toothpicks to hold the wings in an upright position.

3.Prepare a large pot and fill it with enough water. Adjust the heat to medium-high and wait for the water temperature to reach boiling point, indicating that the water has come to a boil. When the water starts boiling, take a clean bowl or container to hold hot water. Carefully place the chicken on the work surface and slowly pour the boiling water from the pot into the bowl, maintaining a safe distance to avoid scalding. Then, slowly pour the hot water over the chicken’s body. Start from the back and gradually move to other parts of the chicken. Ensure that the hot water evenly covers the entire chicken, especially the skin. With the pouring of hot water, you will notice the chicken skin becoming taut. This step helps remove residual substances from the pores and improves the texture and taste of the chicken skin. Once the chicken skin becomes taut, carefully lift the chicken out using kitchen utensils and drain excess water on a draining plate or colander. You can lightly pat the chicken to help remove excess moisture.

4.Prepare a pan and adjust the heat to medium-low. Once the pan is heated, add an appropriate amount of cinnamon, white atractylodes, Chinese lovage, star anise, fragrant leaves, sand ginger, licorice, amomum fruit, Sichuan peppercorns, cloves, dried hawthorn slices, fennel seeds, and dried chili peppers. These spices have unique aromas and flavors that add complexity and depth to the braised chicken. Stir the spices with a spatula or wooden spoon to evenly heat them and release their aroma. Stir-frying the spices requires patience and attention to avoid burning or overcooking them. When you smell the rich aroma released by the spices, it indicates that they have been fully toasted. At this point, transfer the toasted spices into a spice bag and seal the opening.

5.Prepare a bowl of honey and evenly brush it onto every inch of the chicken’s skin using a brush or spoon. Ensure that the chicken’s surface is coated with honey and spread evenly. The honey will give the chicken a sweet glaze, enhancing its texture and appearance. Next, take a large pot and pour cooking oil into it. Adjust the heat to medium-high and wait for the oil to heat up (approximately 180°C) before proceeding to the next step. Use a ladle to scoop hot oil from the pot and gently drizzle it over the chicken’s surface. Be careful during this process to avoid oil splatters or burns. This step helps make the chicken skin crispy and golden. After waiting for a moment, observe the chicken’s skin turning a tempting caramel color. Once the skin becomes golden and crispy, remove the chicken from the pot and place it on paper towels to drain excess oil.

6.Add an appropriate amount of white sugar and water to the pot in approximately a 1:1 ratio. Adjust the heat to medium-low and start caramelizing the sugar. Stir the sugar-water mixture until the sugar completely dissolves and turns into a light golden syrup. Add sliced green onions and ginger, mix well to infuse their aroma into the syrup. Place the prepared spice bag into the pot, ensuring that the spices are fully submerged in the syrup. Add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, and premium soy sauce. These seasonings will give the braised chicken a rich color and savory taste. Finally, add rock sugar to provide a hint of sweetness and a glossy appearance to the dish. Turn the heat to high and bring the syrup to a boil. Once the syrup is boiling, carefully place the prepared whole chicken into the pot, ensuring it is fully submerged in the syrup. Reduce the heat to low and let the chicken simmer for 2 hours, allowing it to absorb the flavors of the spices and seasoning, becoming tender and juicy. During this time, you can occasionally flip the chicken to ensure even cooking. After 2 hours of simmering, the braised chicken is ready! Turn off the heat, take out the chicken, and let it cool for a moment.


  1. Choose high-quality chicken: Use fresh and high-quality chicken to achieve a tender and smooth texture in braised chicken.
  2. Prepare a spice bag: Preparing a spice bag in advance allows you to combine multiple spices and contain them within a cloth or mesh bag. This ensures that the spices fully infuse their flavors while preventing them from scattering into the chicken during the cooking process.

The unique aroma of braised chicken comes not only from its cooking process but also from the seasonings used. The secret sauce combines various herbs and seasonings, each contributing to a symphony of flavors. This secret recipe has been passed down through generations, adjusted and refined to achieve the perfect taste. Taking a bite of braised chicken feels like traveling through a tunnel of time, returning to the pure and tranquil countryside. Sunlight filters through the leaves, dancing with subtle warmth on your palate. Sharing a meal of braised chicken with family and friends is a moment of deep connection and cherished memories. It allows us to savor the simple joys of life and enjoy precious moments spent together. Braised chicken is more than just a dish; it is an expression of emotions and a tribute to life. It awakens our reverence for nature and gratitude for food. It prompts us to reassess and appreciate every dining opportunity. Braised chicken, with its unique ambiance and deliciousness, becomes the taste of happiness in our mouths. Let us immerse ourselves in the world of braised chicken and experience the satisfaction and beauty it brings.

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