A simple recipe for Chestnut Chicken Soup

Published Categorized as Soup and congee

Chestnut Chicken Soup has a creamy white color and a deliciously rich and mellow taste. The chicken meat is tender and flavorful, while the chestnuts add a sweet and aromatic flavor. When tasting this soup, you can start by savoring a spoonful of the original Chestnut Chicken Soup, enjoying its delicious taste and unique aroma. Then, slowly savor the chicken meat and chestnuts, experiencing their rich texture and nourishing benefits.

Ingredients for Chestnut Chicken Soup

Female chicken half
Chestnut 300g
Jujube 9g
Ginger 3g
Carrot one
Wolfberry 5g
Salt 7g


1.Prepare the ingredients. Clean and cut half of female chicken large chunks. Peel and remove the shells from 300g of chestnuts. Remove the pits from 9g of jujube. Slice 3g of ginger into thin pieces, and cut a carrot into small chunks. Also prepare some wolfberry and salt.

2.Next, prepare a clean pot and pour in cold water. Place the chicken chunks into the cold water and bring it to a boil over high heat. Skim off any impurities or foam, then remove the chicken chunks and set them aside. This step helps to remove impurities and unwanted flavors from the chicken.

3.Then, prepare a clean clay pot. Put the chicken chunks, chestnuts, carrot chunks, jujube, and ginger slices into the pot. Add enough water to cover all the ingredients. Bring it to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for one hour. During the simmering process, use a spoon to skim off any fat that floats on the surface, to keep the soup clear and light.

4.After about an hour, add some wolfberry and salt to taste. Goji berries add nutritional value and enhance the flavor of the soup. Be careful not to add salt too early, as it can cause the chicken meat to become tough. Adjust the amount of salt according to personal preference. Once all the ingredients are cooked and tender, turn off the heat. Pour the finished chestnut chicken soup into bowls or plates, and enjoy this delicious dish.


1.During the simmering process, it’s recommended not to frequently uncover the clay pot lid to avoid losing too much heat and affecting the simmering effect.
2.If you prefer a thicker soup, you can use a spoon to skim off the floating fat from the surface during the simmering process.
3.For a richer texture, you can add some ingredients like mushrooms and bamboo shoots to enhance the texture and nutritional value.
4.Peel the chestnuts and blanch them in boiling water. This helps to remove the bitter taste of the chestnuts. You can also make a small cross-shaped incision on the chestnuts, which helps them to absorb flavors better when cooked.

Chestnut Chicken Soup is not only a delicious dish but also a nutritious nourishing delicacy. It provides sufficient energy and essential nutrients for the body, enhances physical strength and immunity, and has the added benefits of beauty and anti-aging effects. Whether it’s a family gathering or a friend’s get-together, this chestnut chicken soup is a must-try delicious cuisine.


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