A recipe for making or Crucian Fish and Tofu Soup

Published Categorized as Soup and congee

A bowl of warm soup contains delicious fish and silky tofu, bringing a comforting and satisfying feeling. The crucian carp and tofu soup not only has a delightful taste but also provides abundant nutrition. Crucian carp is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, while tofu serves as an excellent source of plant-based protein. This soup is suitable for everyday family meals and can also be served as a dish for hosting guests or gatherings.

Ingredients for Crucian Fish and Tofu Soup

Crucian one
Ginger 5g
Green onion 5g
Tofu 100g
Salt 6g
Pepper powder 5g
Wolfberry 9g
Scallion 12g


1.Prepare a fresh Crucian. Clean it thoroughly, gently scraping off the scales with a knife, rinsing it under running water, and carefully removing the internal organs. Be careful not to rupture the gallbladder, as its bitter taste can affect the soup’s flavor. After cleaning the fish, proceed to fillet it.

2.Get a flat-bottomed pan ready and pour in an adequate amount of cooking oil. Heat it until it reaches about 70% heat, then place the Crucian into the pan for frying. Once one side turns golden brown, flip it over to continue frying until both sides have an enticing golden hue. Next, add spring onions and ginger to the pan and stir-fry them in the oil until fragrant.

3.Pour hot water into the pan, enough to submerge the Crucian completely. It is important to use hot water as it will result in a milky soup. Add the soft tofu to the pan. Cover the pan and let the Crucian and tofu simmer slowly. Cook on low heat for 8 minutes. After approximately eight minutes, you will see that the soup has turned into a delicious milky white color, with the aroma of Crucian and tofu intermingling, making it incredibly appetizing.

4.When the time is up, add a small teaspoon of salt and a small teaspoon of white pepper powder for seasoning. Be cautious not to add too much salt, as the natural flavors of the ingredients are already rich. Finally, add soaked goji berries and sprinkle some finely chopped scallions into the pan. These additions not only enhance the taste of the soup but also make the dish more visually appealing. You can smell the aroma of the Crucian and tofu wafting through the air, irresistibly tempting you to take a sip. Carefully pour the Crucian Fish and Tofu Soup into a bowl, and it is ready to be enjoyed.


1.Make sure to select fresh Crucian with bright eyes and vibrant red gills. Choose tender and silky tofu for better texture.
2.When preparing the soup, add an appropriate amount of water. If you desire a thick broth, you can slightly reduce the quantity of water; for a lighter taste, you can add more water.
3.Place the Crucian slices into boiling water briefly, then remove and drain them. This process helps eliminate any fishy smell and results in a clearer soup.
4.To increase the nutritional value and enhance the taste of the soup, you can add some vegetables such as carrot slices, mushroom slices, or greens to enrich the flavors of the broth.

The Crucian Fish and Tofu Soup is not just a tasty dish, but also a way of life. In the hustle and bustle of life, we can try to slow down and enjoy the process of cooking and tasting delicious food. By making Crucian Fish and Tofu Soup, we can experience the warmth of home and the power of love. Additionally, this dish conveys a healthy living concept, emphasizing the significance of balanced nutrition and food combination.

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