A recipe for making flavorful beef cubes

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

The experience of tasting beef cubes is like reading a wonderful story. As you bite into the beef cubes, the unique texture and rich aroma seem to tell you one story after another about this delicious dish. The savory aroma and crispy exterior make you imagine the process and history of its creation. And the tender and juicy meat showcases its freshness and authenticity. Besides being delicious, beef cubes also have abundant nutritional value. They are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, helping people maintain health and vitality.

Ingredients for flavorful beef cubes

Beef 500g
Green pepper one
Red pepper one
Onion half
Garlic 7g
Green onion 5g
Sichuan Pepper 4g
Dried chilli 6g
Salt 3g
Pepper powder 2g
Cooking wine 5g
Light soy sauce 5g
Dark soy sauce 2g
Egg one
Cornstarch 4g
Aginomoto 1g
Sugar 3g
White sesame seed 4g


1.Today, let’s share a recipe for flavored beef cubes. First, prepare the ingredients. Take a piece of beef and cut it into even thick slices. Then, cut it into long strips and finally into beef cubes, and put them in a bowl. Pour in a sufficient amount of water and soak for 20 minutes. The purpose of soaking is to remove the blood from the beef. Take a green pepper, remove the stem, cut it in half, remove the seeds, and cut it into long strips, then into small pieces. Cut the red pepper into the same small cubes. Green and red peppers are good for color matching. Take half an onion, cut it into chunks, and then into small cubes. If the onion is sticking together, use your hands to separate it and mix it with the green and red peppers. Cut five cloves of garlic into small pieces, cut the white part of a spring onion into small sections, and set aside. Prepare a small bowl and add a small handful of Sichuan peppercorns and a handful of dried chili peppers.

2.Now let’s wash the soaked beef. Squeeze out the blood from the beef with your hands. After washing, remove the beef and squeeze out the moisture again. Put it into a small bowl for later use. Next, marinate the beef cubes. Add 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of black pepper, 5 grams of cooking wine, and 5 grams of light soy sauce to the beef cubes for freshness and to remove any fishy smell. Add 2 grams of dark soy sauce for color and mix well with your hands, allowing the beef to absorb the seasonings. Then, coat the beef cubes. Crack an egg white into the beef cubes and beat it well. Coating the beef with egg white helps the batter adhere better and gives the beef a smoother and tenderer texture. Add an appropriate amount of cornstarch and stir and beat in one direction. The cornstarch can effectively lock in the moisture of the beef.

3.After preparing the ingredients, let’s start frying the beef. Heat oil in a pan until it reaches about 40% heat. The oil surface should be calm and free of smoke. Add the beef cubes and gently shake the pan while using a spoon to constantly push the beef cubes to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Use medium heat and gradually increase the oil temperature. Fry for about two minutes until the beef cubes turn golden brown. Then, remove them from the pan and drain excess oil.

4.Leave a little oil in the pan. Once the oil is hot, add Sichuan peppercorns and dried chili peppers, stir-fry to bring out the aroma of the peppers. Be careful not to let the temperature get too high, as it may burn the peppers. Add the chopped spring onions and garlic, stir-fry to release the fragrance of the garlic. Then, add the chopped green and red peppers and onions to the pan and stir-fry until they are partially cooked. Finally, add the fried beef cubes and quickly stir-fry to mix everything evenly. Now it’s time to season the dish. Add 1 gram of MSG, a little sugar (not too much, as it is mainly for enhancing the flavor), a pinch of black pepper, and sprinkle in a handful of white sesame seeds. The beef cubes have already been marinated, so the saltiness is enough. Stir-fry over high heat and mix well with the seasonings. Remove from the heat and serve on a plate. This delicious flavored beef cubes are ready to be enjoyed.


1.Choosing high-quality beef is crucial. It is best to select cuts that are rich in fat and have tender meat, such as beef tenderloin or beef brisket. This kind of beef will provide a more satisfying texture and unique flavor.
2.After cutting the beef into small cubes, marinating it with various spices for a period of time allows the flavors to fully penetrate the meat. This enhances the texture and taste of the beef.
3.If there are leftover beef cubes that are not consumed, you can store them in the refrigerator or freezer. Before consuming them again, make sure to thoroughly heat them to avoid food poisoning or other issues due to improper storage.

It is not just a delicacy, but also a cultural symbol and a medium for social interaction. In various celebrations and family gatherings, flavorful beef cubes are often an indispensable dish, as they bring people together to share the joy of food and exchange emotions.

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