
Published Categorized as Meat, Sheep

Mutton  羊肉  ( yáng ròu )

Calories: 300kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Nourishes the liver and improves eyesight, warms and nourishes the spleen and stomach, nourishes blood and warms the meridians
Not Suitable for: Hypertensive patients
Introduction: Mutton refers to the meat from sheep and is one of the commonly consumed meats worldwide. The texture of mutton is extremely similar to beef but with a stronger flavor. Mutton is generally more tender than pork, and it has lower fat and cholesterol content compared to pork and beef. Mutton contains around 20% protein and essential amino acids for the human body, making it a high-quality protein source. Every 100 grams of mutton contains approximately 11mg of calcium, 2.0mg of iron, as well as other minerals such as phosphorus and zinc. It is also rich in vitamins B1 and B2, which are beneficial for supplementing the body’s vitamin requirements. However, some people find the distinct gamy odor of mutton unpleasant. To eliminate this aroma while preserving the flavor of lamb meat, it can be cooked with 10 grams of licorice, an appropriate amount of cooking wine, and ginger. High-quality fresh lamb meat should have a glossy appearance, be bright red in color, and have a good balance of lean and fatty portions. If the mutton appears dull and lacks luster, it indicates that it is not fresh.

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