Chicken wings

Published Categorized as Seasoning, Vegetables

Calories: 194kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Promotes growth and development, enhances beauty and skincare
Not suitable for: Individuals with kidney disease, hot toxic nodules, hypertension, cholecystitis, gallstones
Introduction: Chicken wings are the wing portion of a chicken. They are rich in protein, various B vitamins (including vitamin B6 and vitamin B12), as well as minerals such as iron, zinc, and selenium. These nutrients play important roles in promoting growth and development, supporting the immune system, and maintaining cellular health. Fresh chicken wings have a white or light brown skin color with a glossy appearance. They should not have any remaining feathers or roots, and the meat should be firm and have a distinct chicken flavor. When purchasing, it is best to choose chicken wings that are slightly yellow or dry, with a bright flesh color, no broken bones, and no signs of bruising.

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