The most “unworthy of its name” Beijing snack – Glutinous rice rolls stuffed with red bean paste.

Published Categorized as Beijing cuisine, Major styles of cooking, Northeastern cuisine, Street food

Glutinous rice rolls stuffed with red bean paste  驴打滚 (lǘ dǎ gǔn)

What is Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour? Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour is a traditional food that originated in northern China. Some people think that  Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour was first introduced to Beijing from the three northeastern provinces, but some people think that Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour is a special food that originated in the imperial palace.

Why is the Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour? Is it like a donkey rolling in the yellow sandy soil after being shaped and rolled in the fried bean noodles?

This is not well understood by people, even in the Qing Dynasty’s “Yanduxiaoshizayong”, it is also considered incredible. There is a poem that says: “红糖水馅巧安排,黄米成团豆里埋,何事群呼驴打滚,称名未免近诙谐。 “It is further pointed out that” 黄米拈面蒸熟,裹以红糖水馅、滚于豆面中,成球形,置盘上,售之。取名驴打滚,真不可思议之称也。”If we don’t go to the textual research on the origin of Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour, it is a traditional Beijing snack and can be included in Beijing customs. As for Mr. Zhang Jiangcai’s comment that “it is rare to see it in recent years”, it is already in the past. Nanlaishun Restaurant and its branch stores, which are made of Bangchang snacks, are always supplied with Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour, which is a blessing for Beijing people to have a good meal.
People in Beijing have a long history of eating Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour, and the custom of eating bean flour cake has a long history. According to the record in “Yanjingminjianshihuoshiliaogan” by Zhang Jiangcai (whose birth date is unknown), “Lvdagur (Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour) is made by steaming yellow rice noodles, wrapping them with brown sugar water as stuffing, and rolling them in fried bean noodles to make them spherical.

To talk about the historical origin of Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour, there are actually many versions in folk customs, but the most reliable statement at present is related to Empress Dowager Cixi. It is said that because Empress Dowager Cixi had already tired of all the specialty dishes in the palace at that time, the chef in the imperial kitchen got an inspiration to prepare a new dish for her using glutinous rice (sticky rice) and red beans to please her. However, just as the chef finished making this innovative dish, even before he could name it, it was flipped over by a little eunuch named Little Donkey. Since there was no time to remake it, the chef had to nervously serve it to Empress Dowager Cixi. Later, Empress Dowager Cixi asked the chef what this dish was called, and the chef thought that since it was Little Donkey’s fault, he named it “Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour“. This is the historical origin of Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour.


Glutinous rice flour 150g Soybean flour 60g
Warm water 125g Sugar 10g
Bean paste stuffing proper amount

Making method

Practice 1:

1.Mix glutinous rice flour with warm water and a little sugar, and slowly add water.

2.Boil water in a pot, set up a steaming rack, brush the bottom of the dish with a layer of cooking oil, place the kneaded glutinous rice dough on the dish and flatten it out, and steam over high heat for 15 minutes after the water boils.

3.Cover the steamed sticky rice with plastic wrap and let it warm up.

4.Prepare soybean flour and red bean paste, both of which are ready-made. The soybean flour is a fried product.

5.Place a proper amount of soybean flour on the silicone pad.

6.Stick the sticky rice dough on both sides with soybean flour, roll it into a rectangular shape, and spread the bean paste on it. The amount of bean paste can be increased or decreased according to personal preference.

7.Roll up from the wide side and tighten it.

8.Cut into about five centimeters each, serve on a plate, soft and sweet, very delicious.

Practice 2:

1.The glutinous rice flour is mixed with water to form a dough. Bring it to a boil in a steamer, spread a wet cloth on the steamer, put the dough on the steamer, cover the pot, and steam it in a steamer for 40 minutes.

2.Toast the soybean flour. Mix brown sugar water and osmanthus flowers to make osmanthus juice.

3.Wrap the glutinous rice flour with soybean powder, roll it into a sheet, smear with bean stuffing, roll into a cylinder shape, cut into small pieces, and pour on sugar osmanthus juice.

Practice 3:

1.Prepare the materials: glutinous rice flour, soybean flour, red bean paste, and warm water.

2.Pour the glutinous rice flour into a container, add appropriate amount of warm water, and knead it into a smooth dough.

3.Rub a layer of oil on the bottom of the plate, place the dough on the plate, and wrap it with plastic wrap.

4.Steam it in a steamer for about 20 minutes. The first 5-10 minutes should be over high heat, and then turn to low heat.

5.Pour the soybean flour into a pan and stir fry it until it turns golden brown and has a slight burnt smell (the burnt smell does not mean it is black).

6.Remove the steamed dough from the steamer, wrap it in a piece of slightly oiled plastic wrap, and roll it into a sheet.

7.Trim the edges, spread the red bean paste evenly on top, and roll it into a cylinder from one end.

8.Sprinkle the soybean flour evenly on the outside layer.

Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour, as a food spread from the north to Beijing, represents the exchange and development of China’s trade and economy at that time, and bears the symbol of further in-depth learning in the north and south. Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour is now one of Beijing’s landmark snacks. Its historical stories have attracted many tourists’ curiosity, promoting economic development and cultural exchanges.

Speaking of the nutritional value of Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour itself, Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour, which contains rice in its raw materials, is rich in nutrients, although it contains extremely high calories. The main food is rice, which is a mild nourishing food, can supplement blood and strengthen the body, and contains vitamins and important calcium and iron in the human body. Although Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour is a famous dessert, it is also a traditional food suitable for all ages. Maybe Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour is not very friendly to young girls who are losing weight and children who are still in the teething period. But in itself, sweet but not greasy, fragrant but not oily,Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour is indeed a famous nutritious snack that can’t be missed after coming to Beijing.

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