
Published Categorized as Root vegetable, Vegetables

Beetroot 红菜根 ( hóng cài gēn )
Classification: Family Amaranthaceae, Genus Beta
Calories: 42kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Improve vision、Protect the liver、Promote digestion
Not Suitable for: Diarrhea sufferer
Introduction: Beetroot is a variety of Beta vulgaris, a biennial herbaceous plant that forms large fleshy roots. The fleshy roots of beetroot are rich in sugars and minerals, with a crispy and tender texture, slightly sweet taste, and vibrant color, making it an excellent vegetable in terms of both appearance and flavor.Beetroot has high nutritional value as it contains a significant amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and relatively high levels of vitamins A and C.It also contains abundant fiber and minerals.The dietary fiber content promotes intestinal circulation, has a mild laxative effect, and helps cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, thereby promoting overall health.Beetroot can increase the activity of immune cells, eliminate harmful substances from the body, and has certain efficacy in preventing thyroid enlargement and treating atherosclerosis.Beetroot is a cold-tolerant plant that thrives in cool climates.In cooler seasons, the fleshy roots have higher sugar content, better flesh color, and superior quality.In hot seasons, the fleshy roots tend to develop white ring patterns internally, indicating lower quality.

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