Snake melon

Published Categorized as Fruit vegetable, Vegetables

Snake melon 菜瓜 ( cài guā )
Classification: Cucumis
Calories: 18kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Moisturize the skin、Clear away heat and relieve summer heat、Relieve irritation and quench thirst
Not Suitable for: Diarrhea、Stomach cold、Spleen and stomach qi deficiency
Introduction: Snake melon has long, cylindrical or slightly rod-shaped fruits, measuring about 20-30 (-50) centimeters in length and 6-10 (-15) centimeters in diameter.The upper part is slightly thicker than the lower part, with rounded or slightly truncated ends.The fruit has a smooth, hairless, pale green skin with longitudinal stripes.The flesh is white or pale green and lacks a sweet fragrance.Snake melon flowers and bears fruit during the summer.Snake melon can be consumed raw, as it is crisp, juicy, and refreshing, making it perfect for quenching thirst and relieving heat.It can also be pickled, resulting in a unique and tender texture with a distinct flavor.It is a popular summer vegetable and is often used for making pickles. Snake melon has a cool and sweet taste, making it an excellent vegetable for relieving summer heat.It is rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron, as well as sugars, citric acid, and small amounts of vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, and vitamin C.During the hot summer season, snake melon is best enjoyed in cold dishes or salads to beat the heat.

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