Winter melon

Published Categorized as Fruit vegetable, Vegetables

Winter melon 冬瓜 ( dōng guā )
Classification: Cucurbitaceae, Winter Melon Genus
Calories: 11kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Weight loss、Delay aging、Beauty nourishing complexion、Diuretic and dehumidification
Not Suitable for: Pregnant women、Spleen and stomach deficiency cold、Kidney deficiency cold
Introduction: Winter melon is an annual vine or trellis-growing herb.The stems are covered in yellow-brown rigid hairs and long soft hairs, with ridges and furrows.The leaf stalks are thick and sturdy, covered in yellow-brown rigid hairs and long soft hairs.The leaf blades are kidney-shaped or nearly round, with wide triangular or ovate lobes.They have a sharp tip, small teeth along the edges, a deep heart-shaped base that curves open, and a nearly circular shape.The upper surface is dark green, slightly rough, sparsely hairy, and eventually becomes almost hairless as it ages.The backside is rough, grayish-white, with coarse rigid hairs, and the veins slightly raised, densely covered in hairs.Winter melon fruits can be stir-fried or used to make soup.They can also be pickled to make pickled vegetables.Additionally, they can be processed into winter melon tea, winter melon sugar, and more.The fruit is elongated cylindrical or nearly spherical, large-sized, and covered in rigid hairs and white frost.Winter melon consists of flesh, pith, and seeds, and contains abundant nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

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