
Published Categorized as Meat, Sheep

Gigot 羊腿 ( yáng tuǐ )
Calories: 110kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Treat gastric ulcer, Nourish the liver and Improve eyesight, Warm the spleen and Nourish the kidneys.
Not Suitable for: Hypertension
Introduction: Gigot is the leg part of a goat or a sheep, and it usually has a long and slender shape with dense meat. Gigot contains a good amount of protein and rich vitamins. It is easily digestible and can be consumed in both winter and summer seasons. Moderate consumption of lamb meat can help eliminate dampness, ward off cold, and warm the stomach. Gigot meat contains various vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc., which contribute to maintaining normal physiological functions and promoting growth and development in the human body. The bones of lamb leg contain calcium phosphate, collagen, bone glycoprotein, etc., which can provide calcium for children and the elderly, promote children‘s bone development, and prevent osteoporosis in the elderly. However, it should be noted that gigot is not suitable to be consumed together with red beans. It can cause poisoning in individuals with impaired liver or kidney function.

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