Cattle stomach

Published Categorized as Cow, Meat

Cattle stomach 毛肚 (máo dǔ)

Calories: 130kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Weight loss, Nutritional supplement, and Appetite enhancement
Not Suitable for: High fat and Cholesterol
Introduction: Cattle stomach refers to the rumen portion of a cow’s stomach. There are two types of cattle stomach available: yellow rumen, which comes from cows raised on feed, and black rumen, which comes from cows fed with grains and crops. White cattle stomach is processed through bleaching and is considered a frozen food product.Cattle stomach contains a high amount of high-quality protein and has low fat content. Consumption of cattle stomach does not lead to excessive calorie intake but can still meet the body’s nutritional needs, making it effective for weight loss. Cattle stomach is rich in protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and other nutrients, providing nutritional benefits. Its tender texture and aroma when cooked with other ingredients make it an appetizing dish that stimulates the taste buds.

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