Special Recipe for Deep-Fried Elm Mushrooms

Published Categorized as Major styles of cooking, Northeastern cuisine

Deep-Fried Elm Mushrooms 干炸榆黄菇(gàn zhá yú huáng gū)

The deep-fried Elm  Mushroom can be traced back to the northeastern region of China, where people use this dish to ward off the cold during winter. After decades of development, deep-fried Elm  Mushroom has gradually become a common dish in restaurants and households across China. It not only offers a delicious taste but also holds high nutritional value. Elm  Mushrooms are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, which can help boost the immune system, promote metabolism, and enhance physical strength. Additionally, this dish is known for its benefits in aiding digestion, stimulating appetite, nourishing the lungs, and enhancing skin health. It is a tasty and healthy delicacy.

Comprehensive rating:

10 min 10 min 4 Fragrant and spicy Easy

Ingredients for Deep-Fried Elm Mushrooms:

Elm mushroom 500g
Chili powder 30g
Starch 100g
Salt 15g


1.First, select fresh Elm  Mushrooms and trim off the roots. Then, tear them apart petal by petal. Next, bring a pot of water to a boil and blanch the Elm Mushrooms in the boiling water. The blanching time should be controlled at around 10 seconds, which will make the mushrooms more crisp and remove excess moisture. After that, remove the Elm  Mushrooms from the water and drain them, ready for the subsequent frying process.

2.Heat up oil in a pot and wait for it to reach the desired temperature. In the meantime, we will quickly cool the Elm  Mushrooms by rinsing them in cold water and then squeezing out excess moisture. Next, transfer the mushrooms to a bowl and add an appropriate amount of salt. Mix well, ensuring that each slice of Elm  Mushroom is evenly coated with salt. Then, gradually add a small amount of starch to the bowl, mixing thoroughly once again. This step ensures that each slice of Elm  Mushroom is evenly coated with starch, preparing them for the subsequent frying process.

3.Once the oil reaches the appropriate temperature, we carefully and separately lower each piece of Elm  Mushroom into the pot. This prevents them from sticking together and affecting the frying process. After placing the Elm  Mushrooms in the pot, we maintain the oil temperature and fry them for 30 seconds to allow them to set. Then, continue frying for an additional 3 minutes while maintaining the oil temperature. This duration ensures that the Elm Mushrooms are thoroughly heated and become golden and crispy. When the edges and corners of the mushrooms turn slightly red, we can remove them from the oil and drain off any excess oil.

4.Once the Elm Yellow Mushrooms have been drained of excess oil, they can be plated. To enhance the texture and add visual appeal, sprinkle some chili powder on top of the mushrooms. The spiciness of the chili powder complements the deliciousness of the Elm Yellow Mushrooms, resulting in a more flavorful dish. Now, bring the plate of Elm Yellow Mushrooms to the table and they are ready to be enjoyed.


1.The frying time of Elm Mushrooms should not be too long, as it can result in the outer layer becoming overly crispy while the inside of the mushroom remains undercooked, affecting the texture. Therefore, during the frying process, it is important to constantly observe the color change of the mushrooms. Once the surface of the Elm  Mushrooms turns golden or slightly brown, they should be promptly removed. This ensures that the mushrooms are cooked through while maintaining a crispy texture on the outside.

2.The control of oil temperature is crucial when frying Elm  Mushrooms. A high oil temperature can quickly burn the surface of the mushrooms while the inside remains uncooked, affecting the taste. On the other hand, a low oil temperature may cause the mushrooms to absorb excessive oil, resulting in a greasy texture and impacting the overall dining experience. Therefore, it is essential to choose a moderate oil temperature during the frying process.

Deep-fried Elm Mushrooms have a wonderful texture. The outer layer is crispy and delicious, while the inside of the mushroom is tender and juicy. Its unique appearance, with the perfect combination of golden Elm Mushrooms and chili powder, immediately captures one’s attention and offers a distinct flavor. Not only is this dish delicious, but it also holds high nutritional value. Elm Mushrooms are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, which can enhance the immune system, promote metabolism, and increase physical strength.

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