Chinese silk chicken

Published Categorized as Chicken, Meat

Chinese silk chicken 乌鸡 ( wū jī )

Calories: 111kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Nourishing blood and regulating menstruation, Protecting vision, Nourishing deficiency
Not Suitable for: Obesity  Hypertension
Introduction: Chinese silk chicken not only has black beak, eyes, and feet, but also its skin, muscles, bones, and most of its internal organs are black. The meat of Chinese silk chicken is dry and delicate with a delicious taste. Chinese silk chicken  contains a large amount of vitamin A, trace element selenium, and melanin, which have the effects of scavenging free radicals, inhibiting the formation of peroxidized lipids, anti-aging, and inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.Chinese silk chicken meat is rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and various trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, etc. The unsaturated fatty acids and linoleic acid it contains help lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Chinese silk chicken meat also has the functions of tonifying the middle burner, nourishing blood and kidneys, nourishing yin and strengthening yang, which can enhance the body’s immune system, promote blood circulation, improve skin complexion, and more.

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