Cumin Shiitake Mushrooms: Delicious and easy to learn

Published Categorized as Street food

Cumin Shiitake Mushrooms  孜然香菇 (zī rán xiāng gū)

Cumin Shiitake Mushrooms: A dish with a unique texture and flavor. Under the illumination of lights, the golden shiitake mushrooms emit an enticing aroma. Each mushroom is carefully selected and prepared, presenting a consistent and plump texture. According to tradition, this dish was originally crafted by local mountain dwellers, who would roast shiitake mushrooms with spices like cumin. As time passed, this dish gained popularity and became a signature delicacy in the southwestern region.

Comprehensive rating:

5 min 15 min 9 Crunchy Easy
Ingredients for Cumin Shiitake Mushrooms: 
Shiitake mushroom 400g
Salt 3g
Starch 30g
Coriander 5g
Onion 20g
Dried chilli 10g
Cumin powder 10g
Chili powder 6g
White sesame seed 3g


1.First, we prepare some fresh Shiitake mushrooms and place them in clean water. Gently stir to remove any dirt or impurities from the surface. Next, remove the mushroom stems. The stems are tougher and less chewy, so they should be discarded. Now, use a knife to slice the Shiitake mushrooms into the desired thickness, typically around 2-3 millimeters for thin slices.

2.Add an appropriate amount of water to a pot and bring it to a boil. Make sure there is enough water to fully submerge the Shiitake mushrooms. Once the water begins to boil, add the sliced Shiitake mushrooms to the pot. Allow the mushrooms to boil in the water for approximately 30 seconds. This brief time will slightly soften the mushrooms while maintaining their freshness and tenderness. Using a slotted spoon or strainer, remove the cooked mushrooms from the pot and immediately transfer them into cold water for rinsing. This step helps to rapidly halt the cooking process, preserving the mushrooms’ crispy and tender texture and preventing overcooking. Gently shake the mushrooms to remove excess water. Finally, pour the cooked and cooled Shiitake mushrooms into a bowl and set aside for later use.

3.Sprinkle a tablespoon of table salt over the Shiitake mushrooms. Salt helps enhance the flavor and texture of the mushrooms while balancing the taste of other seasonings. Next, take a handful of starch and sprinkle it over the mushrooms. Starch helps improve the texture and appearance of the mushrooms and aids in absorbing any excess moisture. Thoroughly mix the salt, starch, and mushrooms together to ensure each piece of mushroom is evenly coated with a thin layer of salt and starch. This process will create a thin coating of salt and starch on the surface of the mushrooms, preparing them for further cooking and seasoning.

4.Heat oil in a pan until it reaches about 70% hot, indicated by the oil starting to smoke and release heat. Once the oil reaches the appropriate temperature, carefully add the prepared Shiitake mushrooms into the pan. Allow the mushrooms to fry for around 20 seconds to set their shape. Gently stir the mushrooms with a slotted spoon to ensure even heating and prevent sticking. Continue frying the mushrooms until they become dry, crispy, and flavorful. Use the slotted spoon to remove the fried mushrooms, allowing any excess oil to drip back into the pan to control the oil content.

5.Add a small amount of base oil to the pan, then add an appropriate amount of dried chili flakes. Be cautious of the hot oil. Adjust the heat to low and stir-fry the dried chili flakes to release their fragrance and make them slightly crispy. This will add some spice and unique flavor to the dish. Next, add the previously fried Shiitake mushrooms to the pan and stir-fry together with the dried chili flakes. This allows the mushrooms to fully absorb the flavor of the chili and enhances their taste. Cut the onion into thin strips and add them to the pan, continuing to stir-fry for a few seconds. The sweetness and crispness of the onion will add layers and texture to the dish. While stir-frying, sprinkle an appropriate amount of cumin powder and chili powder. Cumin powder gives the dish a rich aroma and distinctive flavor, while the chili powder adds a certain level of spiciness. Then, increase the heat to high and quickly stir-fry the dish to evenly mix the mushrooms and seasonings. High-temperature stir-frying allows the cumin powder and chili powder to infuse into the ingredients, enhancing the texture and flavor of the dish.

6.After stir-frying, cut some cilantro into sections and sprinkle it over the seasoned Shiitake mushrooms. The fresh aroma of cilantro complements the seasoned mushrooms, adding depth and texture to the dish. Additionally, sprinkle some white sesame seeds over the mushrooms. White sesame seeds not only add a touch of aroma and unique texture to the dish but also enhance its overall appearance. Lastly, transfer the stir-fried seasoned Shiitake mushrooms to a serving platter. Choose an appropriate dish, arrange the dish neatly, and decorate it beautifully.


1.Choose fresh Shiitake mushrooms with intact appearance and firm texture. Fresh Shiitake mushrooms are more delicious and retain a crisp and tender texture after cooking.

2.Before boiling the Shiitake mushrooms, slice them and briefly blanch them in water, followed by rinsing with cold water. This enhances the flavor of the mushrooms while preserving their freshness and tenderness.

The seasoned Shiitake mushrooms have a juicy and tender texture with an aromatic fragrance. With each bite, you can experience the smoothness of the Shiitake mushrooms and the unique aroma of cumin intermingling in your mouth, creating an enchanting sensation. This dish is not only delicious but also rich in nutritional value, containing abundant nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, and other essential components that provide energy and nourishment to the body. Additionally, seasoned Shiitake mushrooms have beneficial effects on boosting immunity, fighting against cancer, and promoting overall health.

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