Chicken gizzard

Published Categorized as Chicken, Meat

Chicken gizzard  鸡胗 ( jī zhēn )

Also known as: County live

Calories: 118kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Stop semen leakage and consolidate essence. Stop semen leakage and consolidate essence.Promote digestion and relieve food stagnation.

Not Suitable for: hyperlipidemia  patients with liver disease high cholesterol
Introduction: Chicken gizzard is referred to as the esophagus and stomach parts of a chicken, typically including the esophagus, glandular stomach, and muscular stomach. It is one of the chicken’s internal organs, flattened and round in shape, with an outer membrane and inner lining called lining of the gizzard. Its meat is reddish-purple and tough in texture. Chicken gizzards are a good source of high-quality protein, which is crucial for the growth and repair of body cells. They are rich in vitamin B12 and vitamin A. Vitamin B12 helps maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system, while vitamin A is essential for vision, immune system, and skin health. Chicken gizzards also contain abundant minerals such as iron, zinc, and phosphorus, which are important for blood health, immune system, and strong bones. When purchasing chicken gizzards, it is important to note that fresh ones have elasticity and a glossy appearance, with a red or purplish-red color and a firm and thick texture. On the other hand, stale chicken gizzards appear blackish-red, lack elasticity and glossiness, and have soft and loose flesh.

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