Secret Recipe Potato Braised Rice

Published Categorized as Staple food

Braised Potato Rice is a delicious home-cooked dish that features potatoes as the main ingredient, along with rice, vegetables, and various seasonings. In terms of appearance, the dish showcases golden rice grains intertwined with tender potato chunks. This contrasting color combination creates an enticing visual effect that is truly mouthwatering. As for the taste, Braised Potato Rice offers a rich depth of flavors. The rice is plump and sticky, complementing the soft texture of the potatoes perfectly. The potato chunks melt in your mouth, releasing a fragrant potato aroma. Additionally, the crispness of the vegetables and the spiciness of the seasonings further enhance the overall enjoyment of this dish. Overall, Braised Potato Rice provides a satisfying and memorable culinary experience.

Comprehensive rating:

130 min 20 min 15 Salty and fragrant Moderate

Ingredients for potato Braised Rice:

Rice 600g
Potato 400g
Light soy sauce 30g
Dark soy sauce 3g
Soy sauce 3g
Garlic 10g
Corn kernels 40g
Oyster sauce 25g
Long bean 200g
Shiitake mushroom 50g
Green onion 10g
Thirteen-spices 1g
Streaky pork 100g
Shaoxing wine 10g
Carrot 50g

1.First, wash the long beans with clean water and remove the tough strings. Then, cut the long beans into small pieces for better flavor absorption during cooking. Next, let’s prepare the potatoes. Peel the skin off the potatoes and cut them into small chunks. This will allow the potatoes to absorb the flavors of the other ingredients more easily, enhancing the taste and texture of the dish. In addition to long beans and potatoes, we also need to streaky pork , carrots, and shiitake mushrooms. Cut the streaky pork into small cubes, dice the carrots, and similarly cut the shiitake mushrooms into small pieces for later use. Dicing these ingredients will make them cook more easily, allowing their flavors and aromas to be fully released.

2.Heat the oil in a pan and once it’s hot, add the diced streaky pork  and stir-fry until it changes color. This will allow the streaky pork to release its aroma and enhance the texture of the dish. Next, add the diced potatoes to the pan and continue stir-frying to ensure even heating. Meanwhile, slice the garlic and cut the scallions into small sections, then add them to the pan to infuse their fragrance. This will add aroma and depth to the dish.Next, add the chopped long beans to the pan and stir-fry until they are fully cooked and tender. This will make the long beans more flavorful and delicious. Then, add the diced carrots and shiitake mushrooms one by one and continue stir-frying. This will allow the carrots and mushrooms to blend their savory flavors with the other ingredients.During the stir-frying process, add an appropriate amount of shaoxing wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, and oyster sauce. Continue stir-frying until the dish gets a nice color. Then, add seasoning such as hoi sin sauce and thirteen spices to adjust the flavor.Next, add enough hot water to submerge the ingredients. Sprinkle some corn kernels on top and cover the pan. Let it simmer for about 15 minutes. This will enrich the flavor of the dish and ensure that all the ingredients are thoroughly cooked.

3.After the ingredients are braised, we can evenly spread pre-soaked rice on top of them. Ensure that the rice is evenly distributed with the ingredients, but avoid placing it too close to the edges of the pot to prevent sticking. Then, cover the pot and continue to simmer for 13 minutes. During this time, the rice will absorb the flavors and juices from the ingredients, becoming soft and delicious. At the same time, the flavors from the ingredients will infuse into the rice, making the braised potato rice even more flavorful.

4.After 13 minutes, the delicious braised potato rice is ready to be served. Transfer them to a beautiful plate and bring it to the table. This dish of braised potato rice is aromatic and tender, with a rich flavor from the combination of rice and ingredients. If desired, it can be paired with a refreshing vegetable salad or a bowl of hot soup to make the entire meal more abundant and flavorful. Now,we can fully enjoy this delicious braised potato rice!

1.Choose potatoes with a sticky yet non-greasy texture, such as yellow-fleshed potatoes. This ensures that the cooked potatoes have a better texture. Cut the potatoes into evenly sized chunks to ensure even cooking and better flavor absorption during the braising process.
2.When cooking braised potato rice, it’s important to control the water ratio. Typically, the ratio of rice to potatoes is around 1:1.5, but you can adjust it slightly according to personal preference. If there is too much water, the rice may become overly moist; if there is too little water, the rice may turn out dry. After the braising is done, you can tightly cover the pot and let it sit for 5-10 minutes, allowing the rice and potatoes to continue steaming and melding together, resulting in a softer and more flavorful dish.

Braised potato rice also has high nutritional value. Potatoes are rich in vitamin C, B6, potassium, and fiber, providing energy and supporting overall health. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates, providing energy and a sense of satiety. The vegetables added to the dish contribute an array of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, promoting digestion and strengthening the immune system. Overall, braised potato rice is both delicious and nutritious, making it a nourishing dish for the body.


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