Beer-braised grass carp: Tender flesh and unique flavor

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

Beer-braised grass carp is a traditional delicacy that excels in appearance, aroma, and taste. During the braising process, the grass carp absorbs the aromatic essence of the beer, adding layers of complexity to the dish. The flesh of the grass carp is snowy white and plump, with a golden and slightly charred skin. The resulting broth is clear and enticing. Every bite of the beer-braised grass carp releases an irresistible and mouthwatering aroma. The flesh of the grass carp is tender, juicy, and flavorful, melting in your mouth. The unique flavor from the beer seasoning enhances the richness of the dish, leaving a lingering aftertaste that keeps you yearning for more. This dish originated from ancient folk cooking traditions and has been refined over time. In water-rich regions, people make use of the abundant aquatic resources and employ the unique method of beer braising to create this enchanting delicacy. It not only satisfies people’s desire for delicious food but also holds significance in family gatherings and festive celebrations.

Comprehensive rating:

30 min 40 min 13 Delicious and flavorful Moderate

Ingredients for Beer-braised grass carp: 

Grass carp 1000g
Green onion 5g
Ginger 5g
Cooking wine 3g
Light soy sauce 3g
Salt 3g
Essence of chicken 3g
Sugar 3g
Oyster sauce 2g
Onion 20g
Beer 500ml
Pepper powder 3g
Soybean paste 6g


1.When preparing a grass carp, start by slaughtering and processing it. Ensure that the fish is properly slaughtered and remove any unwanted parts such as internal organs. Next, chop off the head and tail of the fish, as they can be used later to enhance the richness of the broth. Then, cut the fish body into chunks of about two centimeters in size. Use a kitchen knife to further divide the fish body in half, making it easier to handle and cook. Split the fish head as well, but do not separate it completely, completing the cutting process. Place the cleaned fish meat in a bowl, ready for the subsequent cooking.

2.Next, proceed with marinating the grass carp. Slice the green onions and ginger, and add them to the bowl containing the fish meat. Then, add a spoonful of cooking wine, light soy sauce, salt, essence of chicken, sugar, and pepper powder, along with half a spoonful of oyster sauce. These seasonings will enhance the flavor and texture of the sturgeon. Finally, add about half a spoonful of dark soy sauce to adjust the color of the dish. Mix everything thoroughly, ensuring that the seasonings penetrate the fish meat. Next, add two tablespoons of soybean paste and mix it well with the fish meat. The soybean paste will impart a rich umami flavor to the fish. After mixing, let the marinated fish meat sit for about 15 minutes, allowing the flavors to infuse and enhance its taste and texture.

3.Heat oil in a pan over medium heat, and once hot, add the sliced onions. Reduce the heat to avoid burning the onions. Next, carefully arrange the marinated fish chunks in the pan, ensuring that the thicker side of the fish fillets faces inward for even cooking and a visually appealing presentation. Once all the fish pieces are placed in the pan, pour the remaining marinade over them. Add a 500ml bottle of beer to the pan without adding additional water. The use of beer will enhance the flavor and texture of the dish. Adjust the heat to medium-low, cover the pan with a lid, and begin the braising process. This allows the fish to fully absorb the flavors from the beer and seasonings.

4.Maintain the heat at medium-low and continue braising the fish for approximately 15 minutes. During this time, keep the pan covered to ensure the fish slowly absorbs the flavors from the beer and marinade. After 15 minutes of braising, remove the lid. The fish should now be tender and flavorful. Increase the heat to high and start reducing the sauce. Cooking it over high heat allows the liquid to gradually decrease and naturally thicken. Avoid stirring during this process and rely on cooking time and temperature to achieve the desired thickness of the sauce. Natural reduction helps meld and enhance the flavors of the dish. However, be mindful of the thickness of the sauce to prevent excessive reduction, which may result in overly dry fish.

5.Carefully transfer the braised grass carp and its rich sauce to a serving plate, ensuring that the dish remains intact and the sauce doesn’t spill. Place the plate with the grass carp and sauce on the table, ready to be enjoyed. You can pair it with steamed rice or noodles, as well as your favorite side dishes to add more texture and nutrition. When tasting, start by savoring a piece of fish to appreciate its tenderness and deliciousness. Then, combine it with the flavorful sauce to experience the depth of flavor and complexity.


1.Make sure to select fresh grass carp to ensure the quality and taste of the dish.

2.When cutting the grass carp, try to maintain uniform sizes for even cooking time and results.

Beer-braised grass carp is a delicious and enticing traditional dish. In terms of appearance, the grass carp has a golden skin color, plump flesh, and emits an enticing aroma. When you take a bite, the meat is tender, juicy, and flavorful. The braising process allows the grass carp to absorb the rich flavor of the beer, enhancing its texture and taste. Besides its mouthwatering flavor, beer-braised grass carp also offers nutritional value. Grass carp meat is rich in high-quality protein, vitamin B12, and unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial for cardiovascular health, immune function, and brain development. Moreover, the hops in beer contain antioxidants that contribute to overall health and protection.



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