Winter Melon Meatball Soup: Refreshing and delicious, with a flavorful broth.

Published Categorized as Soup and congee

Winter Melon Meatball Soup is a renowned dish appreciated for its delicious taste and rich nutritional value. This dish is primarily made with winter melon and pork, cooked using refined culinary techniques. Winter melon contains various vitamins and minerals, which help cool the body, detoxify, promote diuresis, and reduce swelling, providing excellent health benefits. Pork, on the other hand, is rich in protein and essential amino acids necessary for the human body, effectively supplying the required nutrients. This dish offers a diverse texture, with a flavorful broth that is both tasty and nourishing, making it a delightful delicacy on people’s dining tables.

Ingredients for Winter Melon Meatball Soup:

Winter melon 200g
Pork 300g
Green onion 8g
Ginger 8g
Salt 5g
Sugar 2g
Egg 50g
Cooking wine 3g
Pepper powder 2g


1.First, prepare the ingredients by washing and cutting the winter melon into small pieces. Winter melon is a mild vegetable with a crisp texture and is rich in vitamins and minerals. It can be used in various cooking methods such as stewing, stir-frying, or making salads. Cutting it into small pieces makes it easier to cook and preserves its original texture and nutrients.

2.Next, prepare the green onions and ginger. Wash them thoroughly to remove any dirt from the surface. Slice the scallions, choosing thinner or thicker slices according to personal preference. Similarly, slice the ginger thinly, ensuring each slice is even and thin. In a bowl of water, place the sliced scallions and ginger. By kneading and squeezing them, allow them to come into full contact with the water, releasing their flavors and nutrients. This step enhances the aroma of the scallions and ginger, adding flavor to the subsequent cooking process.

3.Now, let’s handle the pork. Finely chop the pork and place it in a bowl. Pour in the previously kneaded scallion and ginger water. Gradually add the water while stirring, instead of adding it all at once, to allow the minced meat to absorb the moisture properly. Add water in small amounts multiple times until the minced meat absorbs it fully. Once the water has been absorbed, add an appropriate amount of water again to create a semi-liquid consistency for the meat filling. Then, add a pinch of salt, sugar, and pepper powder, and mix well. These seasonings enhance the taste and aroma of the pork. Crack an egg into the mixture and pour in a suitable amount of sesame oil. Continue stirring in one direction, ensuring all the ingredients are thoroughly combined.

4.Bring water to a boil in a pot and add the winter melon once the water is boiling. Now, let’s make the meatballs. Take a portion of the seasoned minced meat in your hand, squeeze it out from the gap between your thumb and index finger, and use a spoon to scoop up the squeezed meat mixture and drop it into the pot. Repeat this process until all the remaining meat mixture is used up. Cook the meatballs over low heat to ensure even cooking. Additionally, add a suitable amount of cooking wine, salt, and pepper powder, stirring well to enhance the flavor. Continue cooking for a few minutes until the meatballs are fully cooked. Then, turn off the heat.

5.Now, the Winter Melon Meatball Soup is ready. Serve it in a soup bowl, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the delicious broth and meatballs. The soup offers a light and flavorful taste, with the crisp texture of winter melon complementing the tender meatballs, making it both nutritious and delicious. Place the soup bowl on the dining table and share this comforting soup with family or friends. If desired, you can garnish it with some cilantro or scallion slices to add color and additional flavors.


1.It is best to use a mixture of lean and fatty meat for the meatballs to enhance the flavor.

2.The meat mixture should be well mixed and kneaded to give the meatballs a more elastic texture.

3.Be careful not to overcook the winter melon, as it may affect its texture.

Winter Melon Meatball Soup is a refreshing and delicious dish with a delightful taste and a clean broth. Winter melon has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as heat-clearing and detoxifying effects. When combined with pork meatballs, it creates a dish that is both flavorful and nutritious. The tender meatballs and crisp winter melon, along with the rich broth, make it a healthy and satisfying delicacy suitable for the whole family to enjoy.

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