Preserving the Delight: Traditional Cooking Techniques of Qianlong Chinese Cabbage

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

Qianlong Chinese Cabbage, a Chinese delicacy that carries a deep historical heritage and rich stories. The origin of this dish is closely linked to Emperor Qianlong’s journey to the Jiangnan region during the Qing Dynasty. Legend has it that after his return to Beijing in the middle of the night, Emperor Qianlong was famished and desperately searching for food. He stumbled upon a small tavern that hadn’t closed yet. The owner kindly prepared a plate of peanuts, a plate of rose dates, and a dish of Chinese cabbage dressed with sesame sauce. This simple yet flavorful dish captivated Emperor Qianlong, who praised it immensely. The dish quickly gained fame and became known as “Qianlong Chinese Cabbage“. It features tender and sweet Chinese cabbage perfectly combined with the rich flavors of sesame sauce. Today, Qianlong Chinese Cabbage has become a popular delicacy served in many restaurants and enjoyed on family dining tables. It leaves a lasting impression, allowing people to savor the fusion of history and gastronomy.

Ingredients for Qianlong Chinese Cabbage

Chinese cabbage 200g
Sesame sauce 30g
Sesame oil 8g
Light soy sauce 5g
Dark soy sauce 3g
Sugar 8g
White vinegar 10g
Honey 10g
Salt 5g


1.Prepare a large Chinese cabbage, wash it thoroughly, and pat it dry to remove excess moisture. Next, tear the leaves of the Chinese cabbage into large pieces by hand. Avoid using a knife as tearing the leaves by hand helps maintain the texture and mouthfeel of the cabbage. Arrange the torn cabbage leaves neatly on a plate. This preparation method allows the cabbage to better absorb the seasoning sauce and retain its crisp texture. Tearing the cabbage by hand creates a smoother surface, ensuring even flavor distribution during cooking. Additionally, hand-tearing showcases the natural beauty and texture of the cabbage. Be mindful of the strength used while tearing to avoid excessive damage.

2.The distinctive flavor of Qianlong Chinese Cabbage lies in its delicious seasoning sauce. Creating this sauce involves a series of delicate steps. Start by pouring sesame paste into a bowl, infusing it with rich sesame aroma. Slowly add sesame oil while stirring continuously, ensuring the sesame paste and oil blend thoroughly. This enhances the richness and smoothness of the sauce. Then, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white vinegar, and white sugar, stirring again until well combined. These seasonings contribute to the distinct taste profile and subtle sweet-sour balance of the sauce. Continue stirring while gradually adding honey and salt until the sesame paste becomes smooth without any graininess. This process creates a velvety consistency for the sauce. Through these steps, the sesame sauce becomes one of the highlights of Qianlong Chinese Cabbage. Its diverse flavors make the dish truly mouthwatering.

3.Pour the prepared sesame sauce into the prepared Chinese cabbage and gently mix it until every leaf is thoroughly coated with the sauce. Use chopsticks or a gentle stirring spoon to softly toss and avoid damaging the tender and crisp texture of the cabbage. Gradually, the Chinese cabbage and sesame sauce will blend together, with the rich aroma and silky texture of the sesame sauce seeping into every leaf. Once the Chinese cabbage and sesame sauce are fully mixed and evenly distributed, it is ready to be served. The unique flavor and mouthfeel of Qianlong Chinese Cabbage will bring delight, with each bite filled with aromatic goodness. Enjoy this delicious dish of Qianlong Chinese Cabbage to the fullest, savoring the wonderful moments it brings when shared with family and friends.


1.Choose fresh and tender green Chinese cabbage leaves for better texture and taste. Make sure to clean the Chinese cabbage thoroughly and remove excess moisture before handling.

2.When preparing the sesame sauce, ensure thorough mixing to achieve a smooth consistency. Adjust the amount of seasoning according to personal taste preferences, increasing or decreasing the levels of sweetness, sourness, or saltiness.

Qianlong Chinese Cabbage is a delicious and nutritious traditional Chinese dish. It features Chinese cabbage as the main ingredient and is prepared using unique cooking techniques, resulting in a dish with rich flavors and appealing colors. The history of Qianlong Chinese Cabbage can be traced back to the Qianlong era of the Qing Dynasty when it was initially a palace delicacy that later became popular among the common people. This dish requires some skill and patience to prepare, but it is precisely its uniqueness that makes it a favorite among many. Qianlong Chinese Cabbage not only offers excellent taste but also holds significant nutritional value. It contains various nutrients such as vitamin C, dietary fiber, minerals, providing ample energy and nutrition for the body. Additionally, Qianlong Chinese Cabbage is known for its heat-clearing, detoxifying, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for overall health. In summary, Qianlong Chinese Cabbage is a traditional Chinese dish worth trying due to its delicious taste, rich history, and nutritional value.

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