Recipe for Stir-Fried Glutinous rice

Published Categorized as Staple food

Stir-fried Glutinous rice, a seemingly simple but meaningful delicacy. From the outside, it may just look like a bowl of ordinary glutinous rice, but when you pick up a mouthful with chopsticks, its unique texture instantly captivates your taste buds. Stir-fried at high heat, the glutinous rice becomes soft, chewy, and full of flavor. Each grain is infused with the aromatic essence of rice. The perfectly fried grains of glutinous rice shine like pearls, enticing and irresistible. What makes Stir-fried glutinous rice special is its rich texture and layers of flavors. Every bite offers the sweetness of the glutinous rice itself, as well as the unique aroma generated from the high-temperature stir-frying. This aroma is both rich and refreshing, as if it’s burning in your mouth, activating every taste bud. The slightly golden fried glutinous rice grains are particularly addictive. Stir-fried glutinous rice is not only delicious but also nutritionally valuable. glutinous rice is rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins B1, B2, among other nutrients, which have excellent benefits for nourishing the body, replenishing blood, strengthening the spleen, and warming the stomach. Through the stir-frying process, these nutrients are fully released and enhanced.
Ingredients for Stir-Fried Glutinous rice

Pork bacon 250g
Glutinous rice 300g
Dried Scallop 100g
Small shrimp 52g
Dried shiitake mushroom 35g
Lard 28g
Pea 20g
Carrot 15g
Pine nuts 15g
Chopped green onion 10g


1.Today, let’s make a unique fried rice dish – Stir-fried glutinous rice. First, preparing the ingredients is essential. High-quality glutinous rice, pork bacon, dried scallops, small shrimp, and dried shiitake mushrooms are the key ingredients for this delicacy. Soak the glutinous rice for an hour to allow it to absorb enough water for a soft and chewy texture. In a dry pan, sauté the cured pork over low heat until the fat starts to render. Then, add the soaked glutinous rice to the pan and gently stir-fry over low heat. As the temperature rises, the rice grains will become glossy. Add the soaked dried scallops, small shrimp, and dried shiitake mushrooms to the pan and continue to stir-fry. Stir the bottom of the pan to spread the ingredients evenly and cover with a lid to cook for a while.

2.After about one and a half minutes, when there is a slight crispy crust forming on the bottom of the pan, flip the rice. Pour the water used to soak the dried scallops into the pan and continue to spread the rice evenly. Cover with the lid and simmer over low heat for four minutes. At this point, the glutinous rice in the pan will slowly expand and show an enticing color.

3.Cover with the lid and continue to simmer for four minutes. The glutinous rice has slowly expanded now. Add some flavorful lardand continue to stir evenly. Cover with the lid and continue to simmer for four minutes. During this process, keep rotating the pan to evenly heat the rice grains. Gradually, the rice grains will become more plump and well-cooked.

4.At this point, you can add the water used to soak the dried shiitake mushrooms and begin the final stir-frying process. Gently pinch a few grains of rice with your fingers, if they are fully cooked, you can add some sweet peas, diced carrots, and chopped green onion as additional ingredients. Stir-fry evenly and then turn up the heat to add pine nuts and a handful of chopped green onion. Finally, stir-fry over high heat until well combined, then transfer to a plate. A delicious Stir-fried glutinous rice is now ready. It has a soft and chewy texture without being greasy and has a delightful aroma. Each bite offers the sweetness of glutinous rice and the delicious flavors of various ingredients.


1.Soak the glutinous rice in water for at least 6 hours before cooking. This will make the rice softer and improve its texture.
2.Add a small amount of oil when stir-frying the glutinous rice, but be careful not to use too much as it can become greasy.
3.Keep stirring and flipping the rice while cooking to prevent it from sticking to the pan.

The history of stir-fried glutinous rice can be traced back to ancient China’s rice culture. It was a common folk food and a staple on many family tables. Over time, as various cuisines emerged, stir-fried glutinous rice has maintained its unique status and charm. In the hearts of many, it is not just a delicious dish, but also a representation of emotions and memories. It represents the taste of home, the taste of nostalgia, and it is unforgettable. During festive occasions or family gatherings, this dish always makes an appearance, adding a special warmth and liveliness to the celebration.

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