Traditional and Innovation: Exploring New Boundaries of Stir-Fried Shredded Potato with Shredded Pork.

Published Categorized as Sichuan cuisine

Stir-Fried Shredded Potato with Shredded Pork, a dish brimming with home-cooked flavors. It has become a staple on people’s dining tables due to its unique cooking technique and delicious taste. This dish features pork and potatoes as the main ingredients, skillfully shredded and stir-fried to a tempting golden hue. Stir-Fried Shredded Potato with Shredded Pork offers a delightful combination of succulent pork, crispy potato strands, and a diverse range of textures. What sets this dish apart is its distinctive seasoning, such as chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorns, which add a spicy Sichuan flavor. Each mouthful is satisfying, evoking memories of home and leaving a lasting impression.

Ingredients for Stir-Fried Shredded Potato

Potato 300g
Pork fillet 100g
Green pepper 10g
Red pepper 10g
Garlic 8g
White vinegar 3g
Light soy sauce 10g
Dark soy sauce 3g
Salt 3g
Essence of chicken 2g
Mature vinegar 3g
Edible oil 5g


1.Before we start cooking, let’s first prepare the ingredients. Select two fresh potatoes, peel off the skin, and wash them thoroughly. At the same time, to enhance the texture and nutritional value of the dish, we choose a piece of pork fillet, clean it, and set it aside with the potatoes. During the ingredient preparation process, we can feel the warm atmosphere in the kitchen. Each step is filled with the essence of life, creating anticipation for the upcoming delicious meal. Now that we have all the ingredients ready, it’s time to turn them into a tasty Stir-Fried Shredded Potato with Shredded Pork.

2.Place the peeled potatoes on a cutting board and carefully slice them into thin shreds. The sliced potato shreds are then soaked in water to rinse off the surface starch. This is necessary as the starch can cause sticking to the pan during stir-frying. While washing, gently stir the potato shreds to ensure they come into contact with the water fully. When the water becomes clear, we know that the potato shreds are ready for the next step of stir-frying. Through this process, we ensure that the potato shreds won’t stick to the pan, making the overall cooking process smoother.

3.To add color and texture to the dish, take one green bell pepper and half of a red bell pepper, and cut them into thin strips. The vibrant colors of the green and red bell peppers bring a beautiful touch to the dish, while their textures complement the potato and pork shreds. Additionally, to enhance the aroma of the dish, select four cloves of garlic, crush them, and set them aside with the green and red pepper strips. Crushed garlic releases a strong fragrance, adding a unique flavor to the dish.

4.Cut the prepared pork into thin strips using a knife and set them aside in a plate. We don’t marinate the pork shreds to better retain their natural flavor and allow them to blend with the potato shreds and other ingredients during stir-frying, releasing a tempting aroma. When cutting the pork shreds, it’s important to follow the grain to prevent them from breaking apart while cooking. The cut pork shreds should have a delicate and uniform shape, enticing anyone who sees them.

5.To ensure the crispy texture of the potato shreds during stir-frying, we perform a simple blanching step. Fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. Add a moderate amount of salt to enhance the flavor, a little edible oil, and some white vinegar. Then, place the sliced potato shreds into the pot and gently stir with a spatula to ensure even heating. The blanching time doesn’t need to be too long, approximately 30 seconds. Once the potato shreds are blanched, remove them from the pot. To maintain their crispness, immediately rinse the blanched potato shreds in a bowl filled with cold water. This rapidly lowers the temperature of the potato shreds, keeping them crispy. Finally, drain the potato shreds and set them aside in a bowl for later use.

6.Before cooking, heat the wok and add a small amount of oil. Once the oil is hot, add the sliced pork shreds and continuously stir-fry them with a spatula to evenly heat them. As the temperature rises, the pork shreds become tender and cooked through. When the color of the pork shreds turns white, it indicates that they are cooked. At this point, add the crushed garlic to the wok and continue stir-frying to allow the fragrance of the garlic to blend with the pork shreds. After the garlic releases its aroma, add the green and red pepper strips to the wok and continue stir-frying. The vibrant colors of the peppers add a beautiful touch to the dish and their texture adds layers to the overall flavor. Next, add the sliced potato shreds to the wok and stir-fry for a few seconds to mix them with the other ingredients. Then, it’s time to season the dish. Add 10g of light soy sauce, a little dark soy sauce for color, 3g of salt, 2g of essence of chicken, and a pinch of sugar to enhance the umami flavors. Stir-fry over high heat for 1 minute, then drizzle in some vinegar to remove any fishy smell and add fragrance. Finally, add a moderate amount of water starch to thicken the sauce. As the heat increases, the sauce gradually thickens, and the aroma fills the dish. Continue stir-frying to ensure all the seasonings and ingredients are well combined.

7.When the stir-frying is almost finished, we drizzle a little bit of sesame oil into the pan. The unique aroma of sesame oil enhances the overall flavor of the dish and gives it a glossy appearance. Next, we stir the ingredients in the pan thoroughly to ensure that all the seasonings and ingredients are well combined. This helps make the dish more delicious and appetizing. Now we can remove the stir-fried shredded potatoes and pork from the pan and transfer them to a serving plate. During plating, we can arrange it to look more appealing, making the whole dish more enticing. Now, this delicious stir-fried shredded potatoes and pork is ready, and we can taste it. It has a crispy texture, delightful flavor, and the meat is juicy and flavorful, making it a very satisfying home-cooked dish.


1.When slicing meat into strips, it is important to cut along the grain of the meat. This prevents the meat from breaking apart and enhances its texture.

2.After slicing potatoes, it is recommended to rinse them with water to remove the surface starch. This will result in crispier and fresher stir-fried potato strips.

When you present a steaming hot dish of stir-fried potato and meat strips, the entire room fills with an enticing aroma. The meat and potato strips intertwine in the pan like a colorful painting. The dish’s colors are also captivating, with golden potato strips blending with tender red meat strips, tempting the appetite. The taste experience of stir-fried potato and meat strips is particularly rich and diverse. The tenderness of the meat complements the crispness of the potatoes, making it irresistible. Not only is this dish delicious, but it is also nutritious, making it a healthy and tasty delicacy.


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