Green Pepper Century egg: a unique wine side dish

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

Green pepper Preserved Egg, this dish is really superb! The taste of Preserved Egg is fresh and tender, while the fresh taste of green pepper can refresh the spleen instantly. Their combination not only provides contrast in texture, but also blends flavors, making people unable to stop eating. If you feel that your taste buds need a little new stimulation, this dish will not disappoint you.

Ingredients for Green Pepper Preserved Egg:

Preserved Egg 300g
Green pepper 20g
Red pepper 20g
Garlic 8g
Ginger 5g
Salt 2g
Aginomoto 1g
Sugar 1g
Light soy sauce 5g
Mature vinegar 5g


1.First, select four Preserved eggs. The quality of these Preserved eggs directly affects the taste of dishes and the appearance of finished products. We peel the shell of Preserved eggs clean. In this process, we need to carefully peel off the white film, because if the film is not completely peeled off, it will affect the taste of Preserved eggs to a certain extent. Then, we clean the peeled Preserved eggs. This step is very important because we need to ensure that every Preserved eggs is clean and flawless to ensure the hygiene and taste of the dishes. Then, cut the Preserved eggs into even small pieces, pay attention to the knife skill in this process, dip a little water on the knife, so that the Preserved eggs pieces cut out are neat without touching the knife. Each piece of Preserved eggs has the same size and looks very attractive. Finally, place the cut Preserved eggs on the plate for standby. This arrangement is also particular, to ensure that each piece of Preserved eggs is placed in an orderly manner, looking beautiful and layered.

2.Next, prepare the ingredients, carefully selecting fresh green and red peppers, which are washed in clear water and then removed. First, cut off the stem of the chili, and then cut it into beautiful chili rings. The bright colors of green and red peppers not only enhance the color contrast of the dish, but also add a refreshing taste to the dish. Meanwhile, pick out a few garlic cloves and a small piece of ginger, gently pat them with the back of a knife and cut them into garlic and ginger powder. These ingredients will release a unique aroma, and perfectly blend with the taste of Preserved eggs and green pepper. To ensure that the ingredients are evenly distributed in the dish during the subsequent cooking process, stir all the ingredients evenly and set them aside. In this way, these ingredients can be quickly added in the cooking process, so that they can release a wonderful taste together with Preserved eggs and green pepper. In general, the process of preparing ingredients requires careful and patient attention, with each step requiring careful handling. Only in this way can we make delicious and beautiful green pepper Preserved Egg.

3. In the final stage of cooking, start making the seasoning for the green pepper preserved egg. First, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pan. When the oil temperature reaches 70% hot, quickly heat the pan and pour the hot oil over the prepared ingredients. The hot oil instantly stimulates the spicy aroma of the garlic and ginger, which slightly explode in the hot oil and release a strong aroma. Then, add 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of Aginomoto, and a little sugar to increase the taste. At the same time, add 5 grams of light soy sauce and 5 grams of mature vinegar, which are two seasonings that add a unique taste to the green pepper preserved egg. Stir it in the bowl to evenly mix and let the seasoning penetrate into every ingredient.

4. Finally, evenly pour the prepared sauce over the sliced preserved eggs on the plate. This sauce is the soul of the green pepper preserved egg, which includes our passion and carefully prepared seasonings. The aroma of the sauce perfectly blends with the delicious taste of the preserved eggs, making the flavor of this dish richer and more layered. Watching a plate of colorful and flavorful green pepper preserved egg presented in front of us, we feel extremely satisfied. Although simple to make, each step of this dish requires careful attention. From material selection to processing, from cutting to plate decoration, and then to the final sauce preparation, every step is full of our passion and focus. Now, let’s taste this simple and easy-to-learn green pepper preserved egg! It has a delicious taste, bright colors, and is both tasty and beautiful. This dish will definitely bring your taste buds a new experience and surprise.


1.After removing the shell of the preserved egg, rinse it with water and cut it into evenly sized small pieces. When arranging on the plate, pay attention to the shape and aesthetic.
Green pepper preserved egg is a simple but delicious home-cooked dish. The combination of preserved egg’s Q-like texture and green pepper’s fresh taste creates a unique flavor. Fried preserved eggs and green peppers, coupled with some garlic and soy sauce, are really delicious and healthy. This dish is an excellent choice for pairing with rice or porridge. Come and give it a try!

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