Home-style Recipe for Stir-fried Tofu with Leek

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes

The Stir-Fried Tofu with leek has a unique texture and flavor. The tofu is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, creating a delightful mouthfeel. The leek add a distinct aroma and smooth texture, adding another layer of complexity to the dish. Additionally, this dish is highly nutritious. Tofu is rich in high-quality plant-based protein and various essential nutrients, benefiting overall health. leek are packed with vitamins and dietary fiber, promoting healthy digestion and preventing constipation. This dish is not only delicious but also a great choice for a healthy diet.

Ingredients for Stir-fried Tofu with Leek

Leek 200g
Tofu 250g
Garlic 4g
Green onion 3g
Salt 4g
Essence of chicken 1g
Pepper powder 2g
Sesame oil 3g
Edible oil 10g


1.Here is the recipe for Stir-Fried Tofu with leek. Let’s start by preparing the ingredients. You will need one bunch of leek. Remove the old leaves, wash them thoroughly in a bowl of water, and drain. Cut them into two-centimeter long pieces and set aside. Take a block of firm tofu, cut it in half lengthwise, and slice it into thin pieces. Add them to a bowl. Slice three cloves of garlic thinly and add them to the bowl. Cut a section of the white part of a scallion into horse-shoe-shaped slices and mix them with the garlic.

2.Now that the ingredients are ready, let’s start cooking. Heat some oil in a pan. Once the pan is hot, pour out the hot oil and add some cool oil. Sprinkle a pinch of salt into the oil and heat it up, or you can use low heat. Add the tofu slices to the pan. To prevent the tofu from sticking, make sure the pan is hot enough before adding the oil. Then add cool oil to the hot pan to give it non-stick properties. Finally, sprinkle a little salt on top to add flavor to the tofu without sticking to the pan. Gently separate the stacked tofu with a spoon so that they evenly stick to the sides of the pan. Shake the pan continuously to evenly heat the tofu without sticking to the bottom. Fry the tofu on low heat for about two minutes until one side turns golden brown, then flip them over to fry the other side.

3.When both sides of the tofu are golden brown, do not remove the tofu from the pan. Instead, add the sliced scallions and garlic to the pan and stir-fry until fragrant. Pour in a little water from the side of the pan and bring it to a boil. Add two grams of oyster sauce for extra flavor, one gram of salt, one gram of chicken powder, and a pinch of pepper. Quickly stir-fry the seasonings to mix well. Add the Chinese chive pieces and stir-fry for about a minute until the chives are slightly cooked and turn green. Finally, add a drizzle of sesame oil for shine and mix well. Remove from heat and transfer to a serving plate.


1.When frying the tofu, you can sprinkle a little salt on the surface of the tofu. This will help enhance the flavor of the tofu.
2.When stir-frying the leek, you can add some minced garlic to enhance the flavor of the dish.
3.Pay attention to the cooking time and heat control to avoid overcooking the tofu or making the leek too soft.

Stir-fried tofu with leek is a delicious and nutritious home-cooked dish. It is loved for its unique texture and rich flavor. When enjoying this dish, you can not only savor its crispy yet tender texture and savory taste, but also appreciate the healthy culinary culture it embodies. Let’s savor this delicious home-cooked dish together!

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