The home-style recipe for dry-fried Oyster mushroom

Published Categorized as Major styles of cooking, Sichuan cuisine

The process of savoring Dry-fried Oyster mushrooms is like appreciating a beautiful painting. Every bite allows you to experience the tender texture and rich aroma of the mushrooms. Each mouthful bursts with the flavors of the seasonings and spices, enhancing the dish’s vibrancy. The golden-brown appearance and sprinkling of white sesame seeds further boost the appetite. Apart from being delicious, Dry-fried Oyster mushroom also offer abundant nutritional value.

Ingredients for dry-fried oyster mushroom

Oyster mushroom 300g
Salt 4g
Edible oil 4g
Egg one
Chicken powder 2g
Pepper powder 1g
Flour 20g
Sichuan Pepper 5g
Dried chilli 5g
Green onion 4g
Garlic 3g
Chili powder 2g


1.Today, let’s share a recipe for Dry-fried Oyster mushrooms. First, prepare the ingredients. You’ll need a handful of fresh tender Oyster mushrooms. Break them apart and trim off the roots, then tear them into strips. Choose mushrooms that are thick, round, and have a good texture. Place the torn mushrooms in a bowl.

2.Next, blanch the mushrooms. Bring a pot of water to a boil and add 2 grams of salt and a little cooking oil. The salt adds flavor to the mushrooms, and the oil helps them maintain their bright color. Once the water is boiling, blanch the mushroom strips for about 40 seconds until they become tender but still slightly firm. Rinse them quickly with cold water and transfer them to a bowl.

3.Then, take a clean, absorbent towel to remove any excess moisture from the mushrooms. Crack an egg into the bowl with the mushrooms, sprinkle in 1 gram of salt, 1 gram of chicken powder, and 1 gram of pepper powder. Mix well with your hands to combine the seasonings and coat the mushrooms evenly with the egg. Add 20 grams of flour and mix thoroughly to ensure the mushrooms are fully coated. Finally, drizzle in a little cooking oil to prevent sticking and create a crispy texture. Prepare a small bowl and add a handful of Sichuan peppercorns, dried chili flakes, chopped green onions (white part), and sliced garlic. Once all the ingredients are prepared, we can deep-fry the mushrooms.

4.Heat oil in a pan until it reaches 50% heat, and the surface of the oil is almost smoking. Slowly add the mushrooms, lightly shaping them with a spoon if they stick together. If the oil temperature is too high, you can remove the pan from the heat or turn off the heat temporarily. Fry the mushrooms for about 1 minute until they change color, then remove them and drain off excess oil. When the oil temperature reaches 70% heat, return the mushrooms to the pan for another 15 seconds of frying. This second frying will make the mushrooms even crispier. Remove from the pan and drain off excess oil. Set aside.

5.Now, let’s start cooking. Keep some oil in the pan and add Sichuan peppercorns, dried chili flakes, green onions, and garlic. Stir-fry until fragrant and spicy. Add the fried mushrooms to the pan and sprinkle in 1 gram of chicken powder, 1 gram of salt, and 2 grams of chili powder. Quickly stir-fry to combine the seasonings and coat the mushrooms evenly. Once the flavors are well incorporated, transfer the dish to a plate. Your delicious and spicy Dry-fried Oyster mushrooms are ready to be enjoyed.


1.When choosing Oyster mushrooms, look for ones with smooth skins and no spots. Fresh mushrooms have a better texture and won’t become soft easily when stir-fried.
2.Pay attention to the heat while cooking. Use high heat for stir-frying and low heat for simmering. When stir-frying, keep flipping and tossing the mushrooms to ensure even heating.
3.During the stir-frying process, you can add a moderate amount of chili powder, Sichuan peppercorn powder, and minced garlic according to your personal taste. Chili powder adds spiciness, Sichuan peppercorn powder adds a numbing and fragrant flavor, and minced garlic enhances the aroma of the dish.

Dry-fried Oyster mushroom, a dish that leaves a lasting impression, has become a favorite among food enthusiasts due to its unique texture and rich flavor. This dish features Oyster mushroom as the main ingredient, which are carefully prepared to create a dish that is visually appealing and delicious in taste.

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