Spinach Powder Recipe

Published Categorized as Seasoning

The deliciousness of spinach powder is truly indescribable. It can be used as a seasoning for ingredients or as a complement to main dishes. Whether it’s stir-frying, soup-making, or baking, it can showcase its unique texture and flavor. Its subtle fragrance is unforgettable after just one try.

Ingredients for spinach powder

Spinach 500g
Salt 8g


1.Today, I’m going to share a recipe for spinach powder. By learning this method, you can use it safely and with peace of mind. First, prepare a bunch of fresh spinach without any rotten leaves. Wash them thoroughly and place them in a bowl. Trim the leaves one by one, as they have more chlorophyll on top. We only need the leaves, so discard the spinach stems.

2.Heat water in a pot and bring it to a boil. Blanch the spinach leaves in the pot for about 40 seconds until they become tender. Remove the blanched spinach leaves and cool them in clean water. Then squeeze out the excess moisture from the spinach leaves with your hands, place them in a cheesecloth, and squeeze them once again to minimize the water content in the spinach.

3.Gently break apart the squeezed spinach leaves. Place each spread-out spinach leaf on absorbent paper, paying attention to the arrangement, just like creating an exquisite menu. Each spinach leaf should be carefully placed in the right position. This step helps to dilute the moisture and leaves the spinach in a dehydrated state.

4.Arrange the spinach leaves on a baking tray and place it in the oven. Make sure to spread the leaves evenly to speed up the drying process. Start baking at 80 degrees Celsius for 80 minutes. After 80 minutes, check if the spinach leaves are completely dried. If not, continue baking for another 20 minutes. Keep heating until the spinach leaves are completely dried. When a dried leaf crumbles upon pressing, remove the spinach from the oven.

5.Sprinkle some salt on the cooled spinach leaves and transfer them to a blender. Blend them into a fine powder. Pass the powdered spinach through a fine sieve, being careful during this process. Using a fine sieve will make the spinach powder smoother. Collect the sieved spinach powder in a container and cover it with a clean cloth to prevent contamination from external sources. Your delicious spinach powder is now ready to be used as a seasoning or ingredient.


1.Spinach is the main ingredient in spinach powder, so it’s crucial to choose fresh and vibrant green spinach. Make sure there are no signs of rot or yellow leaves, as this will ensure better color and flavor in the spinach powder.
2.Before blending the spinach in a blender, try to squeeze out as much moisture from the spinach as possible. This will prevent the spinach powder from becoming too wet during the process, which can affect its final texture and taste.
3.Spinach powder is prone to moisture, so after making it, store it in a dry and airtight container as soon as possible. This will prevent any moisture or air from getting in, allowing the spinach powder to maintain its quality.
4.Spinach powder can be used in cooking, making pasta, added to drinks, and more. You can experiment with different ways to incorporate spinach powder into your recipes, creating a variety of delicious combinations.

Spinach powder is like a beautiful piece of music, conveying a love for life and paying tribute to nature through our taste buds. Let’s savor it with our hearts and feel its wonders on our tongues, bringing the beauty of spinach powder into every corner of our lives. Let every bite become a decoration in our lives, filling each day with the aroma of delicious food and the blessings of nature.

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