Home-style Recipe for Dry-Fried Green Beans

Published Categorized as Homemade dishes, Sichuan cuisine

Dry-fried green beans, as a popular dish to accompany rice, not only offer a rich texture but also have high nutritional value. Green beans are abundant in dietary fiber and vitamins, which contribute to digestion and boost the immune system. Moreover, they are a low-calorie vegetable, making them ideal for individuals seeking a healthy diet.

Ingredients for Dry-Fried Green Beans

Green beans 200g
Pork 200g
Garlic 6g
Ginger 5g
Dried chilli 12g
Sichuan Pepper 5g
Cooking wine 8g
Salt 2g
Chicken powder 1g
Pepper powder 3g
Sugar 3g
White sesame seed 12g
Edible oil 40g


1.First, let’s prepare the ingredients. Take 200g of green beans and remove the ends by pinching them off. Also, remove any tough strings on the sides, as they can affect the texture. Wash the prepared green beans in clean water several times, then drain the excess water. Cut the cleaned green beans into 4cm-long segments and set aside in a bowl.

2.Take a small piece of pork and slice it evenly into thin pieces. Then chop the slices into small granules, but not too fine. Place the chopped pork in a separate bowl. Take three cloves of garlic, flatten them with force, and cut them into small granules. Do the same with a piece of ginger, and mix the ginger and garlic together. In another small bowl, take a handful of dried chili peppers and a handful of Sichuan peppercorns and set them aside.

3.Once the ingredients are ready, we’ll quickly fry the green beans. Heat oil in a pan until it reaches medium heat, with slight smoke rising from the surface. Add the cut green beans and continuously stir with a spoon. Fry over medium heat for about two minutes until the green beans become lighter in color and slightly wrinkled. Remove them from the pan and drain the excess oil.

4.Now, let’s start cooking the dish. Leave a little oil in the pan and heat it up. Add the chopped pork and quickly stir-fry to break up the meat and cook until it turns white. Sprinkle a small amount of cooking wine to remove any undesirable odor. Then add the Sichuan peppercorns and dried chili peppers, being careful not to overheat to avoid burning the chili peppers. After stirring and frying until fragrant, add the ginger and garlic, continuing to stir-fry until the garlic becomes aromatic. Finally, add the fried green beans to the pan.

5.Stir-fry the green beans with the other ingredients in the pan to combine them evenly. Season the dish by adding 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of chicken powder, a little pepper, and a small amount of sugar for flavor enhancement. Sprinkle a handful of white sesame seeds and stir-fry on high heat to quickly blend the seasonings. Keep stirring until everything is well mixed. Now, you can remove the dish from the heat, plate it, and enjoy your delicious dry-fried green beans.


1.Immature green beans can irritate the digestive system and cause food poisoning. Frying the green beans briefly in oil helps to ensure even cooking and prepares them for the subsequent quick stir-frying.
2.Use high heat and quickly stir-fry the green beans during the cooking process to make them crispy on the outside while maintaining a tender texture inside. Be careful not to overcook them for too long, as it may result in loss of texture.
3.The typical seasonings for dry-fried green beans include minced garlic, minced ginger, and dried chili peppers. Adjust the amount of chili peppers or other seasonings according to your personal taste. Prepare the necessary seasonings in advance to quickly add them during the stir-frying process.

Dry-fried green beans are prepared by blanching the beans briefly, then stir-frying them over high heat until they become crispy on the outside while still maintaining their tender texture. The addition of minced garlic, ginger, and dried chili peppers brings out a delightful spicy and aromatic flavor.

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