Teach you how to make a delicious Braised Lamb Ribs with Yellow Sauce.

Published Categorized as Shandong cuisine

Braised Lamb Ribs with Yellow Sauce is a dish filled with warmth and affection. The vibrant yellow sauce and tender lamb ribs resemble beautiful flowers blooming in the realm of culinary delights. Every detail in the cooking process is infused with emotions and stories. From ingredient selection to preparation, each step requires meticulous attention. When tasted, the rich aroma and unique texture instantly spread in the mouth, leaving one intoxicated. Every bite seems to convey the host’s dedication and passion, allowing one to savor the taste of home and the blissful feeling within the realm of food.

Ingredients for Braised Lamb Ribs with Yellow Sauce:

Lamb Ribs 500g
Green onion 5g
Ginger 5g
Garlic 5g
Sichuan Pepper 3g
Fragrant leaves 5g
Rock sugar 10g
Cooking wine 10g
Salt 2g
Sugar 1g
Dark soy sauce 2g
Chopped green onion 5g
Pepper powder 2g
Bean paste 10g
Dried chili 2g



1.First, prepare 500 grams of lamb ribs. Split the lamb ribs one by one and then chop them into pieces of about 3 centimeters in length. This will allow the lamb ribs to absorb flavors and cook better. Place the chopped lamb ribs in a bowl as ingredients for the following steps. The purpose of this step is to prepare the lamb ribs into suitable-sized pieces for braising, ensuring better absorption of seasonings and maintaining a tender texture.

2.Next, prepare a large spring onion and cut it into sections. Take a small piece of ginger and slice it thinly. Prepare a few cloves of garlic, which can be minced or finely chopped. In addition, prepare a small bowl and add 3 grams of Sichuan peppercorns, 5 grams of dried chili peppers, and a few bay leaves. These seasonings will add aroma and flavor to the braised lamb ribs. Also, prepare 10 grams of rock sugar and set it aside in the bowl. The addition of rock sugar will enhance sweetness and color, making the braised lamb ribs more appealing. By preparing these seasonings and spices, you can provide rich taste and distinctive aroma to the braised lamb ribs.

3.Once the ingredients are ready, we’ll start by blanching the lamb ribs. First, heat an appropriate amount of water in a pot, then add the prepared lamb ribs to the cold water. Add about 5 grams of cooking wine to remove any unpleasant odor from the meat. Then, turn the heat to high and bring the water to a boil. During the boiling process, some foam may appear. Use a spoon or mesh strainer to skim off the foam and keep the broth clean. Next, remove the blanched lamb ribs from the pot and rinse them with cold water to remove any remaining impurities and foam. Make sure to drain excess water from the ribs before proceeding. Blanching the lamb ribs helps remove blood and impurities from the surface, making them cleaner and ready for further cooking.

4.Next, we will proceed with cooking the Braised Lamb Ribs with Yellow Sauce. First, we’ll caramelize some sugar to enhance the color and texture of the dish. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into a pan and heat it. Once heated, add rock sugar to the pan. Reduce the heat to low and quickly stir the rock sugar with a spoon until it completely melts and turns into a golden brown syrup with numerous bubbles. Next, swiftly pour the caramelized syrup over the blanched lamb ribs and stir-fry them quickly. Ensure that each piece of rib is evenly coated with the caramelized syrup, resulting in a beautiful color on the surface. The addition of caramelized sugar not only gives an appealing golden hue to the Braised Lamb Ribs but also imparts a unique sweetness and aroma.

5.Next, add the prepared whole spices to the pan and stir-fry them together with the caramel-coated ribs. Once the spices release their aroma, add the chopped spring onion, ginger, and garlic, and continue to stir-fry for a few seconds. Then, add approximately 10 grams of doubanjiang (broad bean paste) and continue frying to create a red oil. Stir until the doubanjiang is evenly spread on the ribs, giving them a uniform color. Afterward, pour approximately 5 grams of cooking wine along the edge of the pan. The cooking wine will evaporate during heating, helping to reduce the gaminess of the lamb ribs and improve the overall taste. In this step, the combination of aromatic spices and spicy doubanjiang brings a rich flavor and color to the Braised Lamb Ribs.

6.Building upon the stir-frying process, add an adequate amount of water to fully submerge the lamb ribs. Then, add 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of pepper, 1 gram of white sugar, and 2 grams of dark soy sauce to adjust the base color and taste. After stirring well, transfer the stir-fried lamb ribs and seasoning into a pressure cooker. Cover the pressure cooker and cook over low heat for approximately 15 minutes. During this step, by adding water and various seasonings, we enrich the broth of the Braised Lamb Ribs, making it more flavorful. The use of a pressure cooker helps to expedite the cooking process and ensures the lamb ribs are tender and delicious.

7.After 15 minutes, turn off the heat and release the pressure from the pressure cooker by taking off the pressure valve. Wait for a while until the pressure is completely released before opening the lid. Transfer the braised lamb ribs back into the pot and use high heat to reduce the sauce. During this process, allow the sauce to gradually thicken, enhancing the flavor and texture of the dish. At this point, you can remove the bay leaves, ginger, chili peppers, and other aromatics to make the dish more visually appealing. Finally, plate the Braised Lamb Ribs with Yellow Sauce when the sauce has thickened to a rich consistency. Garnish with some chopped spring onion as a finishing touch, adding color and aroma to the dish. Now, the entire cooking process is complete. The Braised Lamb Ribs with Yellow Sauce is ready to be enjoyed as a delicious delicacy!


1.It is important to control the heat properly when caramelizing the sugar to avoid overcooking it and turning it black. Additionally, quick stir-frying ensures that the caramel evenly coats the lamb ribs.

2.Using a pressure cooker can expedite the cooking process and result in more tender lamb ribs. However, it’s crucial to master the timing and heat to prevent overcooking or undercooking.

3.Finally, garnishing the dish with chopped spring onion not only enhances its visual appeal but also adds a refreshing aroma to the flavor.

On a cold winter day, a steaming plate of Braised Lamb Ribs with Yellow Sauce is served. The vibrant color and rich aroma instantly bring a sense of warmth and happiness. Each piece of lamb rib has been meticulously cooked, with a golden and crispy exterior and tender, juicy meat. The flavorful yellow sauce seeps into every crevice, making it irresistibly mouthwatering. With each bite, the intense meaty aroma and delicious broth blend together, creating a culinary delight. The plate of Braised Lamb Ribs shines like a beacon of warmth on a chilly winter day, bringing comfort and joy.

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