Peanut Rice

Published Categorized as Dried fruit

Calories: 574kcal/100g
Function: Enhances aroma, improves texture
Introduction: Peanut kernels refer to the part of peanuts without shells. In fact, peanuts are the seeds of the whole peanut fruit, which is commonly known as a legume. Peanuts are known for their nourishing properties and are believed to contribute to longevity. They are often referred to as the “fruit of longevity” in traditional folklore, and they are considered as a “vegetable meat” or a source of protein in vegetarian diets, similar to soybeans. Peanut kernels have higher nutritional value compared to grains and are comparable to eggs. They are rich in vitamin E, B vitamins, dietary fiber, and oligosaccharides. Peanut proteins contain various essential amino acids for the human body. Lysine helps improve intelligence in children, while glutamate and aspartate promote cell development and enhance memory function in the brain. However, peanut kernels have a relatively high calorie content, so their consumption should be strictly controlled to avoid excessive fat intake. Additionally, overconsumption may burden the digestive system and lead to symptoms such as upper abdominal pain and loss of appetite.

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