Egg white

Published Categorized as Egg products, Eggs

Egg white
Calories: 60kcal/100g
Function: Improves texture, used as a transparent adhesive agent
Introduction: Egg white is the clear liquid portion that surrounds the yolk in an egg. Initially, the egg white is the cytoplasm of a single-cell egg and its purpose is to provide nutrition to the developing embryo. This is why egg whites are rich in nutrients and can be used as an ideal nutritional supplement. In cooking, egg whites can be used to create a transparent adhesive agent. For example, when coating meat slices or shredded meat, to ensure that the meat remains tender and retains its original color after cooking, starch needs to be added. However, using just water and starch for binding purposes may result in poor adhesion, causing the coating to easily come off when heated. In this case, the strong adhesive properties of egg whites can be utilized by mixing them with starch. The egg whites, when heated, will form a sticky mass, firmly enveloping the starch on the meat slices or shredded meat. Moreover, egg whites themselves remain transparent when subjected to short periods of heat, which does not affect the natural color of the meat. This achieves the desired outcome of having tender meat while preserving its original appearance.

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