Home-style Recipe for Saozi noodles

Published Categorized as Staple food

Saozi noodles are a delectable dish with a rich and enticing aroma. The noodles glide through the mouth, allowing one to experience the richness of the broth and the springy texture of the noodles. As you chew, the broth seeps into the noodles, making them even more flavorful. The delightful fragrance of the mushrooms and minced meat in the broth further arouses the palate.

Ingredients for Saozi noodles

Green beans 500g
Firm tofu 100g
Streaky pork 800g
Salt 2g
Pepper powder 1g
Cooking wine 5g
Light soy sauce 10g
Oyster sauce 5g
Dark soy sauce 3g
Cucumber A root
Carrot Half root


1.First, prepare one handful of washed green beans, cut into small pieces. It is ideal for making “saozi.” Also, dice 100 grams of firm tofu.

2.Slice a piece of pork belly into thin slices, then chop it into small pieces. Place them in a bowl and add 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of pepper, 5 grams of cooking wine to eliminate any unwanted odor. Add 10 grams of light soy sauce, 5 grams of oyster sauce for flavor enhancement, and 3 grams of dark soy sauce for color. Mix well and set aside.

3.Slice a washed cucumber into thin slices, then julienne it. Likewise, julienne half a carrot. The cucumber and carrot can be consumed raw. Pay attention to using separate cutting boards for raw and cooked ingredients. The noodles are freshly made wet noodles. Cut a section of spring onion into small pieces and slice a small piece of ginger. Once all the ingredients are prepared, proceed to the next step.

4.Heat oil in a pan and ensure it covers the entire surface. Add the minced meat and stir-fry until fragrant. Add the cut green beans and stir-fry until well-coated. Add 20 grams of mushroom sauce and stir-fry until the sauce releases its aroma. The seasonings from the minced meat and sauce are already sufficient, so there is no need to add more. Pour a spoonful of water from the side of the pan, bring the broth to a boil, and simmer for some time. Cook until the green beans become tender and the broth slightly thickens. Remove from heat. Ensure that the green beans are thoroughly cooked to avoid food poisoning.

5.Heat oil in the pan again. Once hot, add spring onion and ginger to sauté until fragrant. Add the diced tofu and stir-fry until partially cooked. Pour in the cooked broth, mix well, and remove from heat.

6.Boil water in the pan on high heat. Add the noodles and cook until they all float up, turn yellow, and the surface becomes slightly translucent. Turn off the heat. Remove the noodles and briefly rinse them with cold water for a firmer and smoother texture. Place the noodles in a bowl, top with cucumber and carrot juliennes, and pour the cooked mushroom “saozi” over them. You can also serve it with pickled vegetables of your choice.


1.Choose pork with a suitable fat-to-lean ratio, as pure lean meat can result in a dry texture when stir-fried.
2.When cooking the noodles, avoid overcooking them to maintain a slightly chewy texture, which enhances the eating experience.
3.After cooking the noodles, give them a quick rinse with cold water. This helps to keep the noodles firm and refreshing.
4.Ensure that the minced meat is fried until all the moisture evaporates, as this enhances the aroma.

This bowl of saozi noodles not only fills my stomach but also warms my heart. In moments of coldness, it provides an unparalleled sense of comfort, as if a gentle ray of sunshine is shining upon me. You are the source of warmth in my heart, and every bite is a delightful indulgence. You envelop me with your aroma and flavor, allowing me to experience the small joys in life. No matter when or where, you will always be one of my most cherished delicacies.


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