Duck Meat

Published Categorized as Duck, Meat

Duck Meat
Calories: 190 kcal/100g
Nutritional Value: Increases appetite, clears heat, cools the blood, nourishes Yin, replenishes deficiencies
Not suitable for: Patients with hyperlipidemia, liver disease, diarrhea, and those with deficiency-cold constitution
Introduction: Duck meat is cool in nature and has a sweet taste. Its greatest characteristic is its ability to clear heat, remove fire, and cool the blood. Duck meat contains a significant amount of inorganic substances and relatively high levels of potassium, iron, copper, zinc, and other trace elements. It is also rich in B vitamins and vitamin E. Duck meat is considered a superior delicacy on the dining table and an excellent food for nourishment. It is a primary ingredient in various delicious dishes. The nutritional value of duck meat is similar to that of chicken meat. However, according to traditional Chinese medicine, ducks primarily consume aquatic organisms, which gives their meat a sweet and cool nature. They enter the lung, stomach, and kidney meridians, providing nourishment, promoting gastric health, nourishing the kidneys, treating bone steaming caused by consumption, reducing edema, relieving heat-induced diarrhea, stopping coughs, and transforming phlegm.
Duck meat is suitable for individuals with internal heat in the body. It is particularly beneficial for those with weak constitution, poor appetite, fever, dry stools, and edema. Duck meat is a commonly available high-protein, low-fat food that, when consumed in moderate amounts, is conducive to overall health. However, excessive consumption is not recommended as it may increase the burden on the gastrointestinal system, leading to symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea. Good-quality duck meat should have a milky white color, and when cut open, the cross-section should appear rose-colored, indicating high quality. If there is a slight secretion of oil on the surface of the duck skin, with a light red or light yellow color, and the internal cross-section appears dark red, it indicates lower quality duck meat.

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